Recently I've gotten the extreme urge to go looking through my "old games" bin and play all of my old classic games. I've gone through Pokemon games, the original Halo, some of my N64 games, etc. However, I keep getting drawn back to hazy memories of an old computer game that I use to play in the early 2000 years (2000-2004 or so). I can't remember much of it, and I was hoping that maybe one person here on the PC forums might have also played the game and can help me find out what it is. I've looked through all my old PC games and I'm sure I didn't see it yet.
From what I remember, it's a game set in the first person. It's in 3D, and I remember vividly that you're in some sort of underwater labratory. The villian, as I recall, is some organization with a silly acronym for a name (although I could be wrong on this). The gameplay is best described as similar to Portal: it wasn't a shooter, but it was a first-person adventure type game, where you have to solve a puzzle to get to the next area. It's somewhat of a platformer, as I know you have to get from point A to point B. Oh, and I remember turrets of various kinds. I was 8 at the time, so I died a lot. And I don't think I ever beat it, I just got stuck at one point. This is pretty much all I remember.
TL;DR: I know this is pretty much a worthless topic and I don't expect anyone to do hardcore research, since I've already done it to no avail, but if someone remembers a few games similar to this, I'd love for you to post the names so I can inspect them myself. Thanks to anyone who can help.
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