You're missing the point, the ai in Titan Fall is just cannon fodder. It's not suppose to match another players skill. They are there to make the battlefield more hectic without actually disrupting the balance of the game.
But it's really disorientating when you come across bots. I noticed one bot was in the same position for like 30 seconds, come up on him and he's in a scripted teammate-drag animation waiting to be killed. Then you find 3 bots grouped up in one corner of the room and they can't manage to turn in your direction before you kill them all. Although bots may make human kills more rewarding, they are actually quite disappointing in comparison. "Oh, I just killed a bot"
Obviously bots are there to be hectic and even narrate the battle "enemy pilot spotted" etc. But to me that's like imposing a single player scripted elements into a mp match where it doesn't belong. The main reason why more humans wouldn't work with the current setup is because titans drop every 2 mins or less. 12 v 12 with no bots would probably work great with the current map size, but 24 titans at the 2 minute point would get stupid. 6v6 titans after 2 mins is already absurd imo.
I disagree, the main reason to play this game is for the Titans. I think having to wait a super long time to play around in the Titans would be disapointing. On the ground, the game is simply mirrors edge mixed with Call of Duty. When Titan's are involved, it becomes a a very different experience. The bots in the game always keep the action flowing. It really doesn't matter if you are shooting a player or a bot in a match. As long as you are shooting something and having fun in a match.
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