Nvidia CEO: The PC Has Lost its Magic

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Member since 2003 • 4569 Posts


[QUOTE="mirgamer"] way to lose the plot...the guy isn't talking about pc vs consoles at all. You got to remind yourself sometimes, the world outside doesnt revolves around what happens in System Wars....mirgamer

We're in PC gaming, right? Did I get lost somewhere along the way? I glanced up top again and no, I'm not lost. And tell me, what are PC gaming's competitors, again? Oh, right, consoles. And what is Nvidia known for? *gasp* Oh, that's right! Creating video cards that allow us to play games that look better than ever before! Gosh, we're such fools.

And we're discussing how PC's don't amaze us as much as they once did. And for me, a large reason of that is PC gaming was incredible years ago when it was so far ahead of consoles. But today, that's not the case. I could give a rat's ass if that's exactly what the article pinpoints (PC gaming versus that found on consoles). I just made those points because, to me, that's what really signifies how far the PC's "more powerful than anything else" status has fallen.

You shouldn't take things so seriously, pretending to be the System Wars police every chance you get. Really, you don't earn bonus points for trying to "out" us and claim we're taking the discussion elsewhere.

EDIT - 3000 posts. And I couldn't have earned them in a more valiant way.

Here's a clue : The NVIDIA CEO...is not talking about PC vs consoles.

Now with that in mind, you can read the article again in a completely different light. Hurray.

I'll repeat myself because you seem to have great difficulty comprehending:

While I realize the CEO/article is not pinpointing PC gaming versus console gaming (or even completely focusing on PC gaming itself), to me what really signifies the decline in the dominance and "magic" of PCs is the way in which they've fallen behind in the gaming department or in which consoles have been able to catch up to them, whereas a long time ago, when PCs were truly magical, they gave experiences that were absolutely not found anywhere else. I don't care if it's gaming or not. But back then, speaking of gaming, they were so far ahead of consoles it wasn't funny. This decline over time (consoles catching up slowly but surely) is what really makes me, a gamer, realize the fact that PCs have lost their magic.

And I'll repeat this, also: We're in the PC gaming forum. PC GAMING. It's only natural that an article posted regarding a PC's "magic" will be discussed on the grounds of PC gaming and the power PCs hold in that area.

Now, must I repeat these points once more, or did you finally grasp it this time so that you can go police elsewhere?

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#52 deactivated-57af49c27f4e8
Member since 2005 • 14149 Posts

I'm sure he'll say differently when his company offers a DX11 card that can compete and make money too.


my thoughts exactly.

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#53 Adam_the_Nerd
Member since 2006 • 4403 Posts
Gestures and mind control are probably the next big steps, but that isn't coming for awhile.
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#54 F1_2004
Member since 2003 • 8009 Posts

Gaming has lost it's magic, on PC or consoles. At least most of today's titles aren't as fun as '80s and '90s games.

Because you are old.
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#55 harjyotbanwait
Member since 2008 • 398 Posts

I think multiplatform games have resulted in no real technical leaps since Crysis. The positive is that games are not as demanding as they once used to be, and a 2006 8800gtx, for example, maxes out almost all of them without problems. Multiplatform development which tries to make each version great and well optimized is what we need more of. Some developers like Valve are good at this.

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#56 redrezo
Member since 2009 • 256 Posts

[QUOTE="supertrooper23"]som1 hit that guy for me. k thx.SLIisaownsystem

this man is a god without him you would still live with 8 colours

I do like the fact that he's asian-american and it's nice to see a fellow AA break the glass ceiling, but that's about it.

Nvidia as a corporation I don't particularly like certain aspects of unethical behavior. Product re-branding to mislead masses, physx being proprietry, and Batman AA issue.

I could easily overlook all these things but then they missed the due date for Fermi and had no choice but to go with the 5xxx series instead, can't wait months for a nice dx11 card.

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#57 Sprozelth
Member since 2006 • 744 Posts

Just because he is getting ATI is dominating with the 5xxx series... PC has not lost its magic yet, not until I can play Avatar like cg in real time.

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#58 GPAddict
Member since 2005 • 5964 Posts


Thank god, I can actually spend more money on games instead of upgrading every 2 years.

My CPU is pretty much mid-high end from mid-2007 (Core 2 Duo E6600) and yet I can still run every single game out there on max or close to max.


Apart from gta iv that you need a quad core...and arma 2 i believe!!!

The fact that a game such as GTA4 which really doesn't have the greatest graphics requires such a high end computer is pretty scary.

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#59 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts


Thank god, I can actually spend more money on games instead of upgrading every 2 years.

My CPU is pretty much mid-high end from mid-2007 (Core 2 Duo E6600) and yet I can still run every single game out there on max or close to max.


Apart from gta iv that you need a quad core...and arma 2 i believe!!!

The fact that a game such as GTA4 which really doesn't have the greatest graphics requires such a high end computer is pretty scary.

Sadly it aint the only one :cry:
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#60 zomglolcats
Member since 2008 • 4335 Posts

Gaming has lost it's magic, on PC or consoles. At least most of today's titles aren't as fun as '80s and '90s games.

Because you are old.

While that wasn't really the nicest way to put it, there is a bit of truth to that. If you've been gaming for a long time, well then of course you're going to look upon the early days as being greater. It was new and exciting then. Now it's old hat. That doesn't mean games are worse. In reality they are a lot better. It's just that we've been around the block with gaming.
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#61 mechwarrior_bob
Member since 2006 • 1789 Posts

I don't think it's hardware I think it's software not a lot of real meat grinding engines being put out besides the obvious but I mean look at the Unreal 3 engine and Source, they're not pushing hardware anymore.

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#62 DigiTM73
Member since 2009 • 801 Posts

The only real advancement for PC's is speed and graphical prowess. I see where's he's coming from, no real new developments have been done for some time. Recall when the original Wolfenstein 3D came out, that was a PC highlight, introducing the first ever 3D game. Doom then expanded that. Before these it was all 2D or wireframe.
It's hard pressed to find a game made for some time that creates a new era of gaming. With the Toushcreen scene coming into effect more now, maybe start coding games for those. You walk up to a console ingame, and then use your fingers to access the control panel. Mass Effect 2 should have touchscreen implementation for conversations etc. These sample advancements is what the PC needs now.
For some time now it's become stale, where a new game comes out and we all say "wow, look at those pretty graphics". That's not a true new inventive PC future.

note: not flaming PC, I'm only a PC gamer.

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#63 04dcarraher
Member since 2004 • 23858 Posts

Gaming has lost it's magic, on PC or consoles. At least most of today's titles aren't as fun as '80s and '90s games.

Because you are old.

While that wasn't really the nicest way to put it, there is a bit of truth to that. If you've been gaming for a long time, well then of course you're going to look upon the early days as being greater. It was new and exciting then. Now it's old hat. That doesn't mean games are worse. In reality they are a lot better. It's just that we've been around the block with gaming.

Not everyone, Ive been gaming since 1988. And overall feel of games in the last 6 years quality, length, and new ideas have went down across all gaming platforms because theirs only one thing driving the big companies money and more money. They use to make games because it was their dream and when you played them you felt how close they were to the game. Today games only have a touch of that feeling in them anymore especially rehashed and milked games and their ideas.
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#64 shakmaster13
Member since 2007 • 7138 Posts

The PC has lost its magic because only very few groups of people are advancing the software side, where as better and better hardware is constantly pumped out. We need more people like Carmack.

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#65 hartsickdiscipl
Member since 2003 • 14787 Posts

If he thinks the PC has lost it's magic, I think he's dillusional. While I don't deny that there is room for growth and new uses for the powerful hardware that we have, the fact is that the PC has nothing to do with it. The current PC "as we know it" still has ALOT more untapped potential, especially when it comes to just raw graphics, sound, and physics realism. The problem is being caused by developers who don't take advantage of the massive hardware capabilities that today's PCs have, because they can make more money devoting their time and efforts to making console games.

Let's get the focus back on the real problem Mr. Nvidia, and stop making excuses for yourself and the rest of the corporate world. We need PC-exclusive titles to bring the magic back, not gimmicks and excuses.

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#66 rockzo
Member since 2009 • 520 Posts


I'm sure he'll say differently when his company offers a DX11 card that can compete and make money too.


I'd rather go back to an nVidia DX9 card than buy an ATi.

Id rather go back to an ATI DX8 card then ever own a nvidia again

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#67 OoSuperMarioO
Member since 2005 • 6539 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"]Apart from gta iv that you need a quad core...and arma 2 i believe!!!HenriH-42

They both actually work quite well even on my dual core. Not anywhere near max,but good enough. :)

lol... This has become a great enemy in the PC space. There has really been nothing to convince consumers to invest in superior parts, the recent many can agree is Crysis(Though a bit underwhelm from the promise). However, this does not mean PC gaming is dieing by any means in my opinion, rather it's evolving in a very different way.

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#68 Cranler
Member since 2005 • 8809 Posts



We're in PC gaming, right? Did I get lost somewhere along the way? I glanced up top again and no, I'm not lost. And tell me, what are PC gaming's competitors, again? Oh, right, consoles. And what is Nvidia known for? *gasp* Oh, that's right! Creating video cards that allow us to play games that look better than ever before! Gosh, we're such fools.

And we're discussing how PC's don't amaze us as much as they once did. And for me, a large reason of that is PC gaming was incredible years ago when it was so far ahead of consoles. But today, that's not the case. I could give a rat's ass if that's exactly what the article pinpoints (PC gaming versus that found on consoles). I just made those points because, to me, that's what really signifies how far the PC's "more powerful than anything else" status has fallen.

You shouldn't take things so seriously, pretending to be the System Wars police every chance you get. Really, you don't earn bonus points for trying to "out" us and claim we're taking the discussion elsewhere.

EDIT - 3000 posts. And I couldn't have earned them in a more valiant way.

Here's a clue : The NVIDIA CEO...is not talking about PC vs consoles.

Now with that in mind, you can read the article again in a completely different light. Hurray.

I'll repeat myself because you seem to have great difficulty comprehending:

While I realize the CEO/article is not pinpointing PC gaming versus console gaming (or even completely focusing on PC gaming itself), to me what really signifies the decline in the dominance and "magic" of PCs is the way in which they've fallen behind in the gaming department or in which consoles have been able to catch up to them, whereas a long time ago, when PCs were truly magical, they gave experiences that were absolutely not found anywhere else. I don't care if it's gaming or not. But back then, speaking of gaming, they were so far ahead of consoles it wasn't funny. This decline over time (consoles catching up slowly but surely) is what really makes me, a gamer, realize the fact that PCs have lost their magic.

And I'll repeat this, also: We're in the PC gaming forum. PC GAMING. It's only natural that an article posted regarding a PC's "magic" will be discussed on the grounds of PC gaming and the power PCs hold in that area.

Now, must I repeat these points once more, or did you finally grasp it this time so that you can go police elsewhere?

What era of pc gaming are you talking about. Every single generation has been about the same til now and the only difference now is where the devs priorities are. The xbox was as powerful for 2001 as the 360 was for 2005. Both came close to rivaling top end pc's at launch time.
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#69 Barbariser
Member since 2009 • 6785 Posts

I don't think the real "magic" of the P.C. lies in its technical superiority.

It still maintains a very large edge over consoles.... but in relatively subtle regards. Either way, the P.C.s graphics are just a part of an experience unique to that platform... one that's not defined by aesthetic pushes but by the ability of the player to delve into the very game itself and change it to suit his needs and contribute what his own little creations to other players. An experience defined by the most ambitious, innovative and heartful products in the entire industry and the freedom of the platform's many users to bring their piece to the table for the sake of further enjoyment amongst all.

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#70 zomglolcats
Member since 2008 • 4335 Posts
[QUOTE="zomglolcats"][QUOTE="F1_2004"] Because you are old.04dcarraher
While that wasn't really the nicest way to put it, there is a bit of truth to that. If you've been gaming for a long time, well then of course you're going to look upon the early days as being greater. It was new and exciting then. Now it's old hat. That doesn't mean games are worse. In reality they are a lot better. It's just that we've been around the block with gaming.

Not everyone, Ive been gaming since 1988. And overall feel of games in the last 6 years quality, length, and new ideas have went down across all gaming platforms because theirs only one thing driving the big companies money and more money. They use to make games because it was their dream and when you played them you felt how close they were to the game. Today games only have a touch of that feeling in them anymore especially rehashed and milked games and their ideas.

I do agree that in recent years with gaming going more mainstream it's become all about the money. There's a lot of corner cutting, rushing to get crap out the door to make sales, and trying to sell products based on hype. Don't even get me started on nickel and diming with DLC. I was gaming since the Atari 2600. The NES and SNES are probably my favorite consoles of all time and I think overall there were a lot more quality games. But there was still plenty of crap. Today's games offer a lot that games back then never could. The internet and online gaming is probably the best thing to happen to gaming. So on one hand, I agree that games were a little better back then, but they still had a lot of crap. And really, I can't imagine myself going back and playing even half of those games I used to play. Some still hold up well, but not many.
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#71 OoSuperMarioO
Member since 2005 • 6539 Posts

[QUOTE="04dcarraher"][QUOTE="zomglolcats"] While that wasn't really the nicest way to put it, there is a bit of truth to that. If you've been gaming for a long time, well then of course you're going to look upon the early days as being greater. It was new and exciting then. Now it's old hat. That doesn't mean games are worse. In reality they are a lot better. It's just that we've been around the block with gaming.zomglolcats
Not everyone, Ive been gaming since 1988. And overall feel of games in the last 6 years quality, length, and new ideas have went down across all gaming platforms because theirs only one thing driving the big companies money and more money. They use to make games because it was their dream and when you played them you felt how close they were to the game. Today games only have a touch of that feeling in them anymore especially rehashed and milked games and their ideas.

I do agree that in recent years with gaming going more mainstream it's become all about the money. There's a lot of corner cutting, rushing to get crap out the door to make sales, and trying to sell products based on hype. Don't even get me started on nickel and diming with DLC. I was gaming since the Atari 2600. The NES and SNES are probably my favorite consoles of all time and I think overall there were a lot more quality games. But there was still plenty of crap. Today's games offer a lot that games back then never could. The internet and online gaming is probably the best thing to happen to gaming. So on one hand, I agree that games were a little better back then, but they still had a lot of crap. And really, I can't imagine myself going back and playing even half of those games I used to play. Some still hold up well, but not many.


I couldn't resist. I'm very delighted that I found an arcade room near my home this last weekend.

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#72 Bane_v2
Member since 2003 • 6104 Posts
I agree with his point about the maturity of hardware. Nearly all of the R&D has been put towards output (graphics and sound). There's only so much you can do with current display technology (like increasing resolution) before you get to a point of diminishing returns. I think we're damn close to reaching that point right now which happens to coincide with the increased buzz about 3D displays. It also coincides with the increase of new input devices. Motion control and Project Natal as examples. We've been using the same mouse for what, 30 years? The same keyboard for 100 years before that. We're maxing out our current output technologies and so the focus is switching to input. If you think about it, the amount of data being output can be measured in gigabytes while input can still be measured in bits. There's a huge discrepancy there.
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#73 GPAddict
Member since 2005 • 5964 Posts

I couldn't resist. I'm very delighted that I found an arcade room near my home this last weekend.


The only game I play in the arcade is Tekken 6

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#74 Gamesterpheonix
Member since 2005 • 3676 Posts

He is exactly right. At one point, PC gaming technology was so far ahead of consoles it wasn't even funny. Today? Not so much. The 360 and PS3 more than hold their own when put next to the PC other than a few rare scenarios. The PC has indeed lost its magic. Or most of it, anyways. But I'm still a PC gamer through and through.

But in reality consoles are just approaching PCs. So PCs are just what consoles aspire to. Pretty soon the consoles will just be gaming PCs. Seriously. Its just a matter of creating the same security systems.
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#75 Lach0121
Member since 2007 • 11815 Posts


He is exactly right. At one point, PC gaming technology was so far ahead of consoles it wasn't even funny. Today? Not so much. The 360 and PS3 more than hold their own when put next to the PC other than a few rare scenarios. The PC has indeed lost its magic. Or most of it, anyways. But I'm still a PC gamer through and through.


But in reality consoles are just approaching PCs. So PCs are just what consoles aspire to. Pretty soon the consoles will just be gaming PCs. Seriously. Its just a matter of creating the same security systems.

yeah seriously, upgrade the n64 with the memory expansion.

xbox with online &hdd, 360 with changable hdd and streaming movies, ps3 with installation of OS, internet browsing, changing of hdd with any laptop hdd that would fit...

lol next console batch might have upgradable gpu's, or cpu's as well as more ram... lmao the line between console and pc is fading.

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#76 amekhov
Member since 2007 • 987 Posts

keyboard + mouse > gamepad

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#77 _Pedro_
Member since 2004 • 6829 Posts

lmao the line between console and pc is fading.

An open based system designed specifically for gaming? If only that were true...
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#78 Jd1680a
Member since 2005 • 5960 Posts
This is the funniest part of all this. Nvidia is part of the PCGA, which is suppose to help and support the PC and the gaming industry on the PC. Why not bring along all the party members of the PCGA to help improve the situation?
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#79 DaRockWilder
Member since 2002 • 5451 Posts

Gaming has lost it's magic, on PC or consoles. At least most of today's titles aren't as fun as '80s and '90s games.

I agree, its not like those golden days :( i remember when i first played quake 3 arena on my new E-Machines Emonster 550 LMAO, the feeling was great :D but those days are gone :(
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#80 F1_2004
Member since 2003 • 8009 Posts
[QUOTE="zomglolcats"][QUOTE="F1_2004"] Because you are old.04dcarraher
While that wasn't really the nicest way to put it, there is a bit of truth to that. If you've been gaming for a long time, well then of course you're going to look upon the early days as being greater. It was new and exciting then. Now it's old hat. That doesn't mean games are worse. In reality they are a lot better. It's just that we've been around the block with gaming.

Not everyone, Ive been gaming since 1988. And overall feel of games in the last 6 years quality, length, and new ideas have went down across all gaming platforms because theirs only one thing driving the big companies money and more money. They use to make games because it was their dream and when you played them you felt how close they were to the game. Today games only have a touch of that feeling in them anymore especially rehashed and milked games and their ideas.

If you've been gaming since 1988, you've been gaming for a hell of a long time. You're a grown-ass man, for crying out loud. You can't expect to get as excited about anything now as you did back when you were a kid, that's just how it is. I myself have been gaming since 1996 or thereabouts, and the only games I still replay today that are remotely old are Heroes 3, Alpha Centauri, and mostly just other strategy games that have aged well due to stagnation in the genre. Everything else plays like **** compared to today's games.
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#81 mrbojangles25  Online
Member since 2005 • 60851 Posts

the reason PCs havent evolved is because theyve never had to.

Sure, the visuals have gotten better, but thats about it.

As far as the fundamentals, what is better than a Windows OS, mouse, and keyboard?

The PC is like the shark or crocodile...they never had to change, and neither does the PC.

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#82 OoSuperMarioO
Member since 2005 • 6539 Posts


I couldn't resist. I'm very delighted that I found an arcade room near my home this last weekend.


The only game I play in the arcade is Tekken 6

50$ of coins to set the record for Ms. Pac-man in my local arcade when I lived in NY(Store owner unplugged the machine). I miss that culture from game development in arcades/consoles when Japan had a stronger grab in the US. While I admire high end games on high end platforms, the games are becoming too film like and less dependence on fun gameplay (or maybe I'm clouded by nostalgia, I don't know), however, I can say a lot of developers reflects as if they are very boring people, but that's just me.



Absolutely marvelous!

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#83 topsemag55
Member since 2007 • 19063 Posts

The PC hasn't lost anything - the game developers are stagnated.

They need to move into the next phase of game programming - 64-bit optimization - which Capcom already started with Devil May Cry 4.

With a major push into 64-bit games, you have much more RAM for across-the-board improvements in gaming.

Capcom even included a video benchmarking section in DMC4.

Could you imagine the sophistication of a NPC AI that was purely 64-bit? Tons more decisions as well as more lifelike.

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#84 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

The PC hasn't lost anything - the game developers are stagnated.

They need to move into the next phase of game programming - 64-bit optimization - which Capcom already started with Devil May Cry 4.

With a major push into 64-bit games, you have much more RAM for across-the-board improvements in gaming.

Capcom even included a video benchmarking section in DMC4.

Could you imagine the sophistication of a NPC AI that was purely 64-bit? Tons more decisions as well as more lifelike.


As far as I know the "x-bits" means that there is up to x bits available to be used by a single entity.

Numerically, a 32 bit entity has up to 2^32 possible dispositions (4 Gbs) while a 64 bit entity has 2^64 possible dispositions (16 Ebs, or 16 Gigas of Gbs), both of which are completely overkill for AI processing that only executes scripts according to checks and ifs.

The AI sophistication has, therefore, next to nothing to do with the current memory architecture. Only the developer's skills determines the good execution of AI.

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#85 devious742
Member since 2003 • 3924 Posts



We're in PC gaming, right? Did I get lost somewhere along the way? I glanced up top again and no, I'm not lost. And tell me, what are PC gaming's competitors, again? Oh, right, consoles. And what is Nvidia known for? *gasp* Oh, that's right! Creating video cards that allow us to play games that look better than ever before! Gosh, we're such fools.

And we're discussing how PC's don't amaze us as much as they once did. And for me, a large reason of that is PC gaming was incredible years ago when it was so far ahead of consoles. But today, that's not the case. I could give a rat's ass if that's exactly what the article pinpoints (PC gaming versus that found on consoles). I just made those points because, to me, that's what really signifies how far the PC's "more powerful than anything else" status has fallen.

You shouldn't take things so seriously, pretending to be the System Wars police every chance you get. Really, you don't earn bonus points for trying to "out" us and claim we're taking the discussion elsewhere.

EDIT - 3000 posts. And I couldn't have earned them in a more valiant way.


Here's a clue : The NVIDIA CEO...is not talking about PC vs consoles.

Now with that in mind, you can read the article again in a completely different light. Hurray.

I'll repeat myself because you seem to have great difficulty comprehending:

While I realize the CEO/article is not pinpointing PC gaming versus console gaming (or even completely focusing on PC gaming itself), to me what really signifies the decline in the dominance and "magic" of PCs is the way in which they've fallen behind in the gaming department or in which consoles have been able to catch up to them, whereas a long time ago, when PCs were truly magical, they gave experiences that were absolutely not found anywhere else. I don't care if it's gaming or not. But back then, speaking of gaming, they were so far ahead of consoles it wasn't funny. This decline over time (consoles catching up slowly but surely) is what really makes me, a gamer, realize the fact that PCs have lost their magic.

And I'll repeat this, also: We're in the PC gaming forum. PC GAMING. It's only natural that an article posted regarding a PC's "magic" will be discussed on the grounds of PC gaming and the power PCs hold in that area.

Now, must I repeat these points once more, or did you finally grasp it this time so that you can go police elsewhere?

i think you totally missed the point what this article is about.. its about how pc technology has matured to a point that it can render very high graphics... that we wont be amazed as we were when we saw the jump from DX 8 to DX 9.. that's the magic hes talking about.. and how gesture recognition and computer "vision" on pc will be unmatched.. even when compared to anything on console because of the sheer power of the new pc gpus..that this will bring the "magic" back into pc

hardware has reached a mature level, making it one of the reasons why PCs no longer amaze us as they once did

so now that the pc gpu's have conquered high quality graphics..whats next

The Nvidia CEO foresees a future where gesture recognition and computer "vision" come into play, when a PC knows that its owner is sitting in front of the screen simply by observing the user's face, the way he moves and speaks. While that may sound a bit far-fetched and ripped straight out of a science fiction movie, Huang believes it to be a possibility in the next generation.

"These kinds of capabilities are certainly within the next generation, because we have created a processor for the GPU that makes it possible to do parallel processing so much faster on a PC," he told the BBC. "We think this GPU technology is going to transform computing in a way bring back the magic to consumers."

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#86 GPAddict
Member since 2005 • 5964 Posts


Absolutely marvelous!


So I'm guessing you are a big fan of TECHNO??? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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#87 OoSuperMarioO
Member since 2005 • 6539 Posts


Absolutely marvelous!


So I'm guessing you are a big fan of TECHNO??? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

A big admirer of Japanese and British composers, to name a few, Hidenori Maezawa, Yuzo Koshiro, Hirokazu Tanaka, Koji Kondo, Grant Kirkhope, Robin Beanland and the list goes on. The scores constructed by these artist really gives gaming its own identity of unique, and when I hear them they sound/feel much more videogame related.

Probably the best score ever composed for a video game.


I've been overwhelm by Nostalgia, but I'm getting sick of hearing scores in videogames that sounds as if they correlate with a movie film.