[QUOTE="mirgamer"] way to lose the plot...the guy isn't talking about pc vs consoles at all. You got to remind yourself sometimes, the world outside doesnt revolves around what happens in System Wars....mirgamer
We're in PC gaming, right? Did I get lost somewhere along the way? I glanced up top again and no, I'm not lost. And tell me, what are PC gaming's competitors, again? Oh, right, consoles. And what is Nvidia known for? *gasp* Oh, that's right! Creating video cards that allow us to play games that look better than ever before! Gosh, we're such fools.
And we're discussing how PC's don't amaze us as much as they once did. And for me, a large reason of that is PC gaming was incredible years ago when it was so far ahead of consoles. But today, that's not the case. I could give a rat's ass if that's exactly what the article pinpoints (PC gaming versus that found on consoles). I just made those points because, to me, that's what really signifies how far the PC's "more powerful than anything else" status has fallen.
You shouldn't take things so seriously, pretending to be the System Wars police every chance you get. Really, you don't earn bonus points for trying to "out" us and claim we're taking the discussion elsewhere.
EDIT - 3000 posts. And I couldn't have earned them in a more valiant way.
Here's a clue : The NVIDIA CEO...is not talking about PC vs consoles.
Now with that in mind, you can read the article again in a completely different light. Hurray.
I'll repeat myself because you seem to have great difficulty comprehending:
While I realize the CEO/article is not pinpointing PC gaming versus console gaming (or even completely focusing on PC gaming itself), to me what really signifies the decline in the dominance and "magic" of PCs is the way in which they've fallen behind in the gaming department or in which consoles have been able to catch up to them, whereas a long time ago, when PCs were truly magical, they gave experiences that were absolutely not found anywhere else. I don't care if it's gaming or not. But back then, speaking of gaming, they were so far ahead of consoles it wasn't funny. This decline over time (consoles catching up slowly but surely) is what really makes me, a gamer, realize the fact that PCs have lost their magic.
And I'll repeat this, also: We're in the PC gaming forum. PC GAMING. It's only natural that an article posted regarding a PC's "magic" will be discussed on the grounds of PC gaming and the power PCs hold in that area.
Now, must I repeat these points once more, or did you finally grasp it this time so that you can go police elsewhere?
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