As some of you may know, I am not happy with games like The Evil Within, Dead Rising 3, and maybe Assassin's Creed Unity being locked at 30fps. Even more disheartening is that no one can make the evil within or dead rising 3 run at a steady 60fps once you alter the ini files. I took it upon myself to contact Nvidia and warn them of this sinister trend and here is how it went down.
[05:33:07 PM] Hi, my name is M. How may I help you?
[05:36:13 PM] Clyde : hello M. I would like a email address to the vp or ceo if that is possible to your company. I don't know if you're aware but there is a horrible trend starting where developers are locking the frame rate of games to 30. we spend a lot of money to avoid this.
[05:37:36 PM] M: I am sorry Clyde. I surely will help you with email address for our escalation team but could you elaborate the issue a little please
[05:42:59 PM] Clyde Hollingsworth: ok thank you. the issue is a new game called The Evil Within has a LOCKED frame rate of 30. Bethesda offered a tool to unlock the frame rate, but not even a Geforce gtx 980 can hold a steady 60 fps. another game called Assassin's Creed Unity is about to do the same thing. Now why would we as customers spend over $500 when we can get almost the same experience with a $250 card? It's going to end up costing your fine company business.
[05:43:41 PM] M: Just a moment
[05:46:01 PM] M: Is this issue specific to this game alone?
[05:46:18 PM] M: I was checking if there are any known issue reported. Sorry about the delay
[05:50:37 PM] Clyde : no there are 3 games that I know of that are doing this . it's not an issue, it's a tactic from console makers pressuring them to lock the frame rates since Xbox One and Ps4 hardly have any games that run over 900p and 30 fps. the 3 games are Dead Rising 3, The Evil Within, and Assassin's Creed Unity. It's a business ploy to "level" the playing field since they built their consoles with underpowered AMD components (no disrespect to AMD).
[05:52:46 PM] Clyde: if this trend keeps up why would we buy your best graphics cards if all game run half as smooth as we are used to. it's going to be detrimental to your enthusiast market.
[05:53:14 PM] M: I have heard of FPS lock issue with Dead Rising 3 but wasn't sure of evil with in
AC unity is yet to be released so i am not sure of it
[05:53:18 PM] M: I understand
[05:54:10 PM] M: May i escalate the case to our Level 2 to see what best we can do Clyde. I understand you are looking for a email id to write a escalation but this is the best way to put across a feed back to our development team
[05:54:12 PM] Clyde Hollingsworth: it's a "rumor" right now but this looks like a trend to me just guys should nip this in the bud.
[05:54:19 PM] M: If you are looking for a email id then i may need some time to get it for you
[05:54:51 PM] Clyde : ok just email me back the information. thank you.
[05:56:26 PM] M: Sure
I will get back to you over an email with an update on this
is your email id i believe
[05:56:43 PM] Clyde : correct. have a good day.
[05:57:10 PM] M: You too
[05:57:16 PM] Clyde : bye bye
[05:57:23 PM] 'Clyde ' disconnected ('Concluded by End-user').
Ok today I got a reply from them and it says....
Thank you for your concern. We certainly do want our customers to enjoy the best possible experiences in games, and our developer relations team works closely with various game makers to help optimize titles for high-end gaming PCs using the latest GeForce cards, but the final decisions on these sorts of features are up to the developers.
We are aware of the issue, and will continue working with developers on our end, but if it's important to you, it would be best to make sure you voice your concerns directly to the companies releasing the games as well.
So I replied....
Thank you for such a prompt response. I understand that it is up to developers to make their games as they see fit. I really hope this does not end bad for your company because the way I see it, Intel is going to make money with the I7 recommendations, and AMD is going to make money with the hardware they have inside of Xbox Ones and PS4s. The only ones that I see this going bad for is you guys if you have to buy 17 Titans to get a game running at a steady 60fps. If it does go bad just remember I tried to warn you.
So yeah....that happened. sorry I didn't mean for this to be a question topic.
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