i am going to buy oblivion but i saw many negative comments about it around the forum
well, what excalty the bad points?
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I wouldn't say it's a bad game. Just a bad RPG.
A few problems I have with it:
Not to mention a watered down skill system compared to its predecessors, the broken enchanting system, its mostly boring cast of characters (in comparison to Morrowind)...
...I could go on, but I think I'm gonna go to bed. Oblivion is a decent game, and I've spent a good bit of time with it. However, I personally feel that Vanilla Oblivion isn't even worth playing for more than a few hours, particularly if you're expecting an RPG. If you do decide to give it a try, make sure to hit up TESNexus get some mods that "fix" some of these aspects of the game (primarily level scaling with mods like OOO.) I was able to get alot more time out of Oblivion thanks to the modding community.
I will also say that what I played of Shivering Isles was rather enjoyable. It had some rather interesting characters and quests, and is infinitely better than the original game in that regard.
No... It's really good game... Anyone who bashes it don't like Open Ended RPGs...everson_rm
Oblivion isn't open-ended. It's free-roaming.
A game being "open-ended" implies choice. There are NO meaningful choices in Oblivion. Anyone who's played Oblivion much knows you never have to make a decision that impacts the storyline of the game, or the world around you, nor even a character's reaction to you. The only real "choice" you have in Oblivion is in what order you want to do the game's frustratingly linear and repetetive quests.
Edit: Anyways, I'm off. 'Night folks.
With about 8gb of mods, I can finally enjoy Oblivion. Without mods - don't bother because it will get old very fast.
First there would be OOO which changes quite a lot. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65abKSTD0_s
Then there are texture replacing mods, enhancing the graphics of the world, characters and items. I also use mods for distant LOD, weather, water and environment. See http://devnull.devakm.googlepages.com/obliviontextureoverhaul for details. While purely cosmetic, they enhance the vanilla game quite a lot.
I also use mods enhancing the interface. Darnified UI is my preference.
There are also severalgood quest mods out: http://devnull.devakm.googlepages.com/quests
For further mods see www.tesnexus.com
Oblivion is a good game. Elder Morrowind fans like myself are going crazy over it though. If you're going to play Oblivinon, don't expect the depth that Morrowind had. You can use many happy hours on Oblivion, and it certainly is fun. The combat is well-polished, and as always the developers aren't afraid of giving you a smile on your head.
As I mentioned, combat is very polished and works flawlessly. But unfortunely Oblivion uses level-generated creatures and equipment, so you never encounter anything that's far too powerfull. Some love it, some hate it.
Buying the GotY editon of Oblivion would be a good choice. And no, you don't need mod's to make it enjoyable- they just help the overall experience.
I think a lot of RPG'ers that hadn't played Morrowind, or expected Oblivion to be somehow "different", expected to plow through it like everything else they've played. The "Over 100 hours of gameplay" reviews were seen as a challange or something to be "beaten" and so they took little time playing the game, and simply took on the main story line, wiiiiith a few other sidequests to "beef up" their experience.
Those people jump from A-B-C as quickly as possible and therefore don't experience the game for what it is. The fact is, if you actually take the time to PLAY the game and RP as the games intended, you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
If you cheat your way though, not bother with the hundreds of side-quests, or simply don't want to spend the time exploring and reading the lore; Don't bother. The game isn't for you. Go play a game you can see everything in 20 hours or less; and then complain that there are no 100 hour RPG's out there anymore. That seems to be the trend for the younger folk.
OK, i bought them (oblivion & shivering isles)
i think i missed 1 expansion, but is that necessary to buy tat?
No, don't bother with Knights of the Nine. I haven't played it, but it doesn't appear to add much to the game - you're better off with mods.
Anyway, Oblivion was an enjoyable game the first time through, but a poor RPG.
I was highly disappointed by it, and not even mods could keep me playing it for long, but many other people enjoyed it. You'll either love it, or you'll hate it - and more people seem to love it than hate it.
Oblivion is a classic in my opinion.
The game is amazing. And all the mods that are available make it something I will keep playing for a very long time.
As for it's flaws, let's just hope that Bethesda is listening and improves between now and the next elder scrolls.
As others have said. The main problem with Oblivion is that they had to dumb it down enough for the kiddies on the xbox so they could play it with a joystick.
Don't let the nay-sayers though talk you out of an incredible game. I HIGHLY recommend that right from the get go you install the OOO mod. It makes the game a lot more difficult and gives the world a more static feel to it, what I mean is unlike vanilla Oblivion with OOO installed you simply can't go certain places until you earn the levels to do it.
There are many other fantastic mods. Visit the official Obivion forums and go to the mod section. Oblivion with OOO installed is one of the better RPG's out there.
For a great experience install Oblivion, patch it, then install the OOO mod and add a leveling mod such as the AF one. That's pretty much all you need for your first play through.
As an RPG....yea, its fairly average.
But as a fantasy-based first person "shooter" with RPG elements, the game freaking rocks.
I guess thats why I enjoyed it so much...I treated it for what it was. That, and I had never played Morrowind or previous TES titles.
it's not an rpg, its a fps with rpg elements.dazedfinch
This is the way I feel about it. It's not a bad game but it's barely an RPG.
I might add, it's not a good RPG BECAUSE it doesn't have a good, open storyline and an interesting set of characters. Even the graphics surprisingly lack style.Plomdidom
Like the lack of variation in the appearance of armor and other loot? That's a gripe of mine along with no dialogue options or choices that really matter as others have said.
mLike the lack of variation in the appearance of armor and other loot? That's a gripe of mine along with no dialogue options or choices that really matter as others have said.
It's true about the armor and loot, but what really strikes me is how the buildings look bland and unoriginal. One of the main qualities of Morrowind was for me the way each area had a distinctive, stylish kind of architecture.
The complete lack of personality in the NPCs is a recurrent problem in the Elder Scrolls series so I wasn't expecting much in that respect anyway. All the games in the series give you that disturbing feeling that you're the only conscious being in the whole and very wide world.
It's scary to think that these people are developing Fallout 3. Scary.
Oblivion - a good adventure game, but a very shallow RPG.
Also, the mods help, but you can't completely fix a game with mods. When you install too many mods it just becomes a big chaos. I could play with a couple of mods and still it didin't feel natural, because the game was intendet to be more of a FPS and forcing it to be more of an RPG just doesn't work.
Oblivion is two things:
If you want a RPG, you'll not enjoy Oblivion. It has a bland, generic story which you trudge through, probably without paying attention. It has tons and tons of awful sub-quests, most of which amount to little more than follow the arrow. Or if you're feeling especially apathetic, teleport directly to the blob. It has very, very bad voice acting. It has generic dialogue, overuse of voices and character models. It has a character development system I would describe as fundamentally broken. It has extremely limited item selection - to the point of pointlessness, really.
All in all, it's just a bad roleplaying game. I can sing no praise of the game's qualities as a RPG.
But that's certainly not to say it's a bad game. I spent over a hundred hours playing Oblivion, and I loved it, once I'd moved past the fact that it wasn't a RPG. The world, first and foremost, is huge and beautiful. It's impossible to not feel awe as you explore the game. It really has captured the beauty of the natural world in a way which no other game - barring Crysis - has ever managed. The large number of NPCs who mill about in their daily routine is great to watch, as well - and some even speak to you, commenting on how you're perhaps a skilled archer, or an illusionist of some renown. The Witcher took this idea and improved it a hell of a lot, but Oblivion still does a good job with it.
This is the vanilla game, though. There are plenty of mods that fix Bethesda#s mistakes.
Oblivion is a nice tech-demo but it's a pretty below average RPG. Pretty much everything in the game lacks any kind of real decision making and consequences.
I think, as others have already said, if you approach it as a FPS with some very limited RPG elements tossed in (as an afterthought) you may actually enjoy it somewhat but, if you're expecting it to be a good RPG, you are going to be seriously disappointed and underwhelmed.
The reasons Oblivion is abad game on PC
1. Dropping items is immpossible (in-game).
2. The requirements are high, bad if you are poor like me and can't afford new hardware.
3. The story was done too differently from its roots (Morrowind).
4. As you get stronger in the game, so do the mosters you must slay. This is the stupidist feature.
The only good thing about the game is the pretty graphics.
The reasons Oblivion is abad game on PC
1. Dropping items is immpossible (in-game).
2. The requirements are high, bad if you are poor like me and can't afford new hardware.
3. The story was done too differently from its roots (Morrowind).
4. As you get stronger in the game, so do the mosters you must slay. This is the stupidist feature.
The only good thing about the game is the pretty graphics.
1. No, you can drop items. RTFM, my friend.
2. They were high two years ago. It's not really the case for most people, any more. But if Oblivion is bad for having the requirements it does, then all games since Oblivion are bad.
3. Agreed.
4. Agreed.
Your final point about the only good thing being the visuals is pretty wrong.
IMO it's a MUST! the lvling system is unique, the world is so great, beautiful and realistic ...
the side quests are cool too ,
monsters , oblivion gates , armours , costumization ,gfx , voice acting .... they all are great!
I played it on a ATI X200!!! on 640x400 :lol: and I enjoyed every bit of it! u should not miss it!
another thing , it was the 2nd GOTY 06
The reasons Oblivion is abad game on PC
1. Dropping items is immpossible (in-game).
2. The requirements are high, bad if you are poor like me and can't afford new hardware.
3. The story was done too differently from its roots (Morrowind).
4. As you get stronger in the game, so do the mosters you must slay. This is the stupidist feature.
The only good thing about the game is the pretty graphics.
wow, all very wrong imo
First, this is wrong. All you do is "shift-click" the item and it is dropped. Not to mention you can sell items as well.
Second, the requirements are not that bad. When I had my old rig, I could play it at 1024x768 with med-high settings. My rig consisted of a P4 2.8GHz, 1GB memory, and a 128MB Geforce 6600.
Third, I wasnt aware that Oblivion was a continuation from Morrowind. If it is, then ignore what I wrote here, my bad. If it isnt, then what has Morrowind got to do with it? The storyline of Oblivion was decent, but what really made the game great were all the awesome side quests. Joining one of the many guilds (Brotherhood,FIghters, Mages, etc), jumping into a painting to rescue an artist, and even the many Daedric shrines...all very good, albeit brief, stories. The amount of work put into the quests, dialogue, and various journals and stuff would likely exceed thousands of thousands of pages of put into book form.
4. Ya, this was a bad thing. It made the game essentially rewardless, since its the same experience throughout. I wish they had infested certain dungeons and areas with high-level creatures so you could work up to it, then its like a reward.
From the various reactions here, I would wager that Oblivion is a game that's popular with under-18s for its detailed (though unimaginative) graphics and the amount of places to visit and quests to complete, but highly unsatisfactory for an adult audience ( especially hard-core Role-Players).Plomdidom
I would say that is probably a fairly accurate and astute observation.
Just get the game, play it for X number of ourse(70- 80?) then start a new completely different character, and get all the mods yeah need (OOO, extra gore..etc) and you'll be pretty satisfied with it for a long time, buy the expanisions of you want to...
but by god don't take it so seriously its a GAME its supposed to be fun, and beleive me, its alot of fun!the free roaming if your into that, i personally enjoyed the incredible amount of quests and how i was never really bored. just throwing my opinion, but everyones got adiffrerent one, you shouldn't have to go to the forums to see if a games good or not, just trust your gut and you should be fine....
- It has a bland, linear storyline. You can go off and do side-quests and such, but nothing you do ever really feels like it has an impact on the game world. Being a sandbox-styled game, this gets really old, really quickly.
- Level scaling. There's no sense of accomplishment..as soon as you gain a level, EVERYTHING around gets stronger as well. There's really no sense of danger in exploration either, as was the case with Morrowind. You can pretty much take on any foe you come across without much trouble.
- Boring side-quests. Excepting the Dark Brotherhood quest line and a select few guild quests, the side-quests in Oblivon are pretty uninteresting and monotonous.
- Bad combat/magic system for an action-oriented "RPG." You only have a couple attacks at your disposal, and there's no real difference between these attacks even with different weapon types. Same with the magic system: you only have a few basic spell types, with varying degrees of strength/duration/range. Considering the game has no redeeming role-playing or storyline elements, it's disgraceful that the combat/magic systems are so mediocre. There's little variety in combat, and it naturally gets old really fast as well.
- Low amounts of skills and spells. In Morrowind you could come up with endless combinations for your character. In Oblivion, you'll probably experience everything after your second character.
- The Mainquest is too short. Can be completed in an afternoon.
Added some things. The game just isn't good compared to other RPGs such as Morrowind.
- It has a bland, linear storyline. You can go off and do side-quests and such, but nothing you do ever really feels like it has an impact on the game world. Being a sandbox-styled game, this gets really old, really quickly.
- Level scaling. There's no sense of accomplishment..as soon as you gain a level, EVERYTHING around gets stronger as well. There's really no sense of danger in exploration either, as was the case with Morrowind. You can pretty much take on any foe you come across without much trouble.
- Boring side-quests. Excepting the Dark Brotherhood quest line and a select few guild quests, the side-quests in Oblivon are pretty uninteresting and monotonous.
- Bad combat/magic system for an action-oriented "RPG." You only have a couple attacks at your disposal, and there's no real difference between these attacks even with different weapon types. Same with the magic system: you only have a few basic spell types, with varying degrees of strength/duration/range. Considering the game has no redeeming role-playing or storyline elements, it's disgraceful that the combat/magic systems are so mediocre. There's little variety in combat, and it naturally gets old really fast as well.
- Low amounts of skills and spells. In Morrowind you could come up with endless combinations for your character. In Oblivion, you'll probably experience everything after your second character.
- The Mainquest is too short. Can be completed in an afternoon.
Added some things. The game just isn't good compared to other RPGs such as Morrowind.
Exactly. It isn't necessarily a bad game, but when compared to its predecessor and other RPG's of its type, it definitely can't compete.
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