I desperately need some advice on how to hook up my tv and components with surround.
I have:
PS3 (with HDMI)
Wii (on component vid)
DVD (on component vid)
HD satellite box (on DVi to HDMI) (currently have to use component vid)
Here's my problem:
My tv has 2 comp vid hookups which I was using for My Wii and DVD.
I just got my satellite hooked up a few minutes ago, but the sat box is designed with DVi to HDMI hookups, and that won't carry sound to my tv. And the HDMI inputs on my tv don't have an audio hookup. I guess the tv manufacturer assumed if you're running HDMI, you don't need to hook up a seperate cable for sound.
So he had to hook up the satellite with the comp vid. Leaving no room for my Wii to be plugged in.
My question is this:
So if I want to hook up my PS3 and DVD player with 5.1 (or w.e.) surround sound, how can I do that? My tv only has one Digital optical IN, and one OUT.
The main problem is that I want to use the DVI-HDMI sat box cable on my tv, but I somehow need to get the sound to either my tv or a surround system.
And also, If I need to run a Digital Optical cable from my PS3, and one from my DVD to my tv, I can't because there's only one jack.
So I'd need to run 2 Digital Optical cables to my tv (1 for PS3, 1 for DVD), then run those to a surround sound system...but that isn't possible. And even if I run one through my tv, and one directly into the surround unit, I don't know if most recievers come with more than one Digital Optical input.
I'm sorry this looks so long but I need help so bad right now. I'll be here if anyone needs more clarification on what I'm saying.
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