Hey guys, geez I'm sorry I totally spaced on this thread.
Here comes my replies: To all who said what models I should get: again, I'm wasn't looking for specific parts. But now that I know that I've got all the parts listed, I will take rig proposels if you would be so kind as to give them. If you are going to tell me what to buy, keep in mind my $2500 buget. I've never built a computer before so I really don't know what it good and what isn't, just that bigger numbers are usually better.
There are a couple places I will not back down:
Processor. I want a quad. I know they aren't necessary right now, but one of the arguments I keep making to my friends about the supremacy of PC gaming is that the computers last longer than 5 years, the average console generation length. So with a quad-core I can at least touch games for 7-8 years I would think. Keyword: TOUCH. Not beat the crap out of.
Video card. Nothing less than Nvidia GTX 260. In addition to the statement about longetivity made above, I have been plagued by video card issues my entire life. Not this time. By the way, I am not opposed to running ATI cards, I've just heard that some games with the Nvidia stamp on them will crash with ATI cards, foremost amongst these is Bioshock. So, any recommendations?
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