[QUOTE="mismajor99"]Nine Inch Nails in the Quake games, and Tool in Doom 3. TheCrazed420
Hehe, is this a joke? Tool was never in Doom 3, that was tweaker's ripoff of Tool. And I'll go with the NIN tracks in Doom 3 that were never released, but had to be downloaded as an add-on. Didn't know he did the Quakes though...
The introduction song to Doom 3 is by Tool, a song called lateralus
Here's the original news story, and here's the song: Lateralus
Recognize it yet? Skip ahead to the first minute mark.....great friggin song
As for NiN, Id Soft even put the NiN logo on the boxes of the ammo. Trent did lots of stuff for them....
Here's the Quake Theme by NiN
Here's the ingame video
Make sure to check out all the related videos if you're interested, he pretty much did all the music for Quake....
Oh, and here's a pic of the ammo box for the Nail Gun, as a tribute of course:
Google could have answered all of that for ya...I've played way too many of these games to lie man, lol
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