Hey guys I need alittle help. I want to be a pc gamer because I have a ok computer to push some games and well im usually on the computer anyway so I have some questions.
1. I have a dualcore processor laptop, so do I have a computer that could atleast push fps and heavy graphics games?
I dont care how good or bad the graphics are just as long as I can get them to play smoothly.
2. If dual core processor is not enough, then what type of laptop would I need or what kind of ram or w/e?
3. Whats the best controller to use for a pc? I heard a 360 controller is good?
4. I wanna try farcry 3 whenever it comes out, will it come out for pc you think?
5. Would it be cheaper to just get a ps3 or xbox insted?
6. What places can i buy digital copys of gamse beside steam and how good are they as in support and how easy it is to buy a game from them?
7. I also wanna play Fez and skull girls, do you think they'll come to pc sometime or other?
8. Does pc get a good coverage of games beside console exclusives like uncharted or god of war?
How about jrpgs platformers and really long games that take lots of time to compleate or to play around with side quests?
I know this is alot of questions but it would be cool if i could get pc gamers point of view on what should I do. :)
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