It's not that it's just generic or in an overdone genre, it's that it completely embraces it without change. Battlefield focuses on huge scale warfare, Call of Duty focuses on crazy campaigns and fast paced multiplayer, Homefront tries to give us an alternate future, Counter Strike is a PC staple with highly polished combat, and so on.
Medal of Honor just apes these things, and doesn't even do it well. It's not as big as Battlefield, it's not as fast paced as Call of Duty or Counter Strike, the fireteam system seems to punish lone wolfing and legitimate scaled teamwork more then it rewards two players working together, the spawns are broken, the campaign is short, repetitive, poorly paced and poorly polished (with some of the crappiest AI), the interface is a giant mess, the story is generic and simply tries too hard to make me care about one character (who they don't even bother naming or detailing through gameplay), etc.
Like it just does what we've seen before, then does it worse. That doesn't make it a horrible affront to gaming, but it happens to be unoriginal and doesn't even do anything I haven't seen before better, it does them worse. I have dozens of shooter games I can have more fun in, that had more care taken.
I don't completely blame Danger Close, they seem to at least try to respect shooter conventions and try to offer a fun game, but trying doesn't always work. Maybe they're too new, maybe the two years with a new engine wasn't enough, maybe EA pressured them into certain things, all I know is that the game is far more boring and generic then any Call of Duty or Battlefield title. I enjoyed the weapon customization, I like the concept of taking on different missions spanning the world for some creativity (though unfortunately it's always fighting middle eastern terrorists in the same old urban areas), and the car missions are actually really well done, with the more open ended car chases really actually adding something I think Battlefield should have offered and which Call of Duty has only attempted.
But still, it just, well, it kind of sucked. Even if it came out 5 years ago, it would still be lacking in maps, polish, hit detection, proper spawning, pacing, storytelling and content compared to Call of Duty 4, Rainbow Six: Vegas or the Bad Company games, and would really only have the car mission and graphics to hold it up.
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