Hello all, not trolling here, asking a serious question. After reading this could any of you come up with some more advantages/remind me of ones I've forgotten? Also, maybe fill me in on some titles that are/will be PC exclusives or ones that are more enjoyable on the PC..
I built my gaming computer in 2007 and with a few upgrades it is still running fairly well. However, it seems that there is less and less of an advantage to having a gaming computer. While not all older games benefited from mods, etc. more did than today. Also, it seems like the majority of the big hitters these days are console exclusives or are on everything. There doesn't seem to be a ton of PC only games anymore.
With some games you can tweak the graphical settings to find that balance between graphical quality and performance, but a fair amount of games in the past few years have been made with consoles in mind and as such, only offer very limited options such as "low, medium, high quality".
One thing that I do like about PC games is that I have some ability to work around issues (e.g. developer console). Also, for games that use auto-save I can regularly back up these save files in case a save gets corrupted or simply if I want a save that occurred right before a boss fight or some other significant event.
However, it seems like those advantages are small compared to the cost of a quality gaming computer. If I were to build a new computer I would have to get a new case, motherboard, RAM, and CPU minimum. This would surely cost more than even the new consoles and I would have to upgrade in order to keep up with graphical improvements, etc. Plus, I wouldn't even be able to rent games like you can with consoles. Another thing that is troubling is that since console hardware is static, even if PC processing capability goes up in the future, only the rare PC exclusive is likely to take advantage of that extra power for anything more than graphical improvements (as opposed to AI, etc.)
I've been thinking about building a new rig, but as you can tell, I've been having second thoughts. It certainly didn't help things when I heard about how unstable one of my most anticipated PC titles, Battlefield 4, was.
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