Nice thread. I've been thinking about it for some time and here are my conclusions.
First off as human beings we allhavea subconscious need for death and destruction, and each persons deals with it in his way (starting unnecessary fights or arguments, smoking , driving carelessly,being angry, jealous and all tose things that make people think u r mean, or just doing nothing at all and letting this impulse consume u which can result in some kind of neurosis or psychosis). So it's safe to say that as much as we want to love we can't avoid to hate at the same time, we want to live but deep in our mind we want to die. How wedeal with this dichotomy is a good sign of quality of life.
Thevideo games, movies, music (and any other art form) are "safe" ways to get connected to this side of our minds. If one sees a car accident with people hurt he'll prolly getsick and saddened for the victim, even if he didn't knowhim (that's empathy). And thats not a safe situation and feelings that are buried deep inside can surface and bring problems. So violence in real life is a real issue and not everyone has the tools to deal with it (that's why many people want to become medical doctors, but quit college after the first anatomy class).
So violence in video games has two purposes: offer you a safe place to watch all the blood and gore that all of us subconsciously want (so u can get in touch with it, and in the process learn more about yourself) and of course relieve stress, it's a lot healthier to think that your boss is one of the 15678 pedestrians u ran over in GTA than confronting him out of pure anger (which can get u fired from the job).
So I'm not a sadist or maniac but songs like Angel of Death (Slayer) , movies like Braindead (Peter Jackson), and the chainsaw move in Gears of War give me the opportunity to get in touch with my "death desire", so I can elaborate it from a safe place, have fun and get to know me better in the process.
And for the TC: ya I miss violence in video games =P
And for the dudes talking about photorealistic violence I can't wait to get my hands on that.
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