I guess you think that Mercedes make trash cars, and Panasonic make crap plasmas?
People still buy plasma TVs in this day and age?
Something like an Asus Sabertooth would be the equivalent of a Mercedes in the motherboard world. Asrock is the equivalent of a Hyundai or Kia. ECS is the equivalent of those Chinese cars that fold up like accordions after a 15mph impact.
Yes, people still buy plasmas, because they offer a better pciture, with deeper blacks. AsRock would be the eqiuvalent of Honda. and I wouldn't argue bout cars with me, because I probably know a damn sight more than you.
Wow kid, you're just too cool for school then I guess.
I haven't heard of anyone still buying Plasma TVs in recent years as anything other than a budget alternative to LCDs. And yes, the OCZ SSDs have horribly flaky firmware. Just because you lucked out and got one that works doesn't mean they all do.
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