- World of Warcraft
- World of Warcraft the burning crusade
- World of Warcraft Cataclysm
At least you got the first one straight :P
Ok replace the other two with Mists of Pandaria beta and Cataclysm.This topic is locked from further discussion.
Top games I've ever played? Hard one, but here it goes:
1. Dragon Age: Origins
2. SimCity 3000
3. Half-Life
1. Half Life 2.
2. Batman : Arkham City.
3. Metal Gear Solid (It released for PC way back).
Admittedly I'm only 17 - But they're the 3 best PC games I've played on a PC. Morrowind and SC2 would follow these in a close 4th/5th spot - Then css at 6th. Oh, and then Icewind Dale at 7th.
Top 3 best PC titles huh... hmm...
1: Morrowind
2: Dungeon Keeper 2
3: Diablo 2 (Titan Quest is a very, very close second for this spot).
Hmm, only a top 3....
In no particular order it has to be
1: Resident Evil on Ps1.
I spent so many hours together with my mates in this game, even though its a singleplayer, the story, gameplay and atmosphere drew me in and made me buy the Playstation.
1:Sid Meier?s Civilization
This series has made me start a game at 15pm in the day and then what seemed just a shorttime after suddenly look up and realiaze ouch, i am kinda hungry and see that the time is 8am the next day, no other game i have ever played has made me do that across the board.
1: GTA
This series is just excellent fun, Vice City, San Andreas pure fun, III for the first time on ps1 having a blast with my mates. and now as a young adult with GTA IV it has grown with me, it has become more mature, become more serious, and even more fun. And it doesnt stop GTA V is only a chrismas away.
Close runners up are
Grim Fandago
Deus Ex
- World of Warcraft
- World of Warcraft the burning crusade
- World of Warcraft Cataclysm
No Wrath of the Lich King? *sadface*
My list:
1. Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
2. WoW: WotLK
3. Counterstrike 1.6
Actually I'd put WoTLK in place of vanilla.Portal 2
Heroes III
There's probably more of a top 10 than a top 3 as there are many other games I like equally:
Grim Fandango
CM/FM series
Half Life 1
Fallout 2
Max Payne
Battlefield BC2/3
If we're talking just PC games...
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Sim City 3000
Starcraft II
Although I'd possibly swap SCII for the original Syndicate. Although I'm more into shooters these days, Crysis doesn't quite make it in due to its bizarre glitches, easily getting lost in the mountain and the difficulty curve that goes through the roof once it gets cold.
For me it's pretty easy.
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Team Fortress 2
San Andreas
Mass Effect? Maybe? Or maybe Rome: Total War? Or Beyond Good and Evil...
This is harder than it sounds :/
Diablo, Stacraft and Warcraft series.
Yeap, Blizzard is awesome. :)
Memorable mentions: Neverwinter Nights, Half-Life 1,2. Heroes of Might and Magic series, Kotor, Quake, Unreal Tournament.
This is going by what made me say "Whoah! Awesome!" the most when I first played it.
Ultima 7.
GTA 1.
Star Control 2.
...and I can't help but mention Simcity 4 too, endless amount of fun with that game.
1 Vanilla WOW
2 Rogue Spear
3 Baldur's Gate II
4 Fallout 2
5 MOO 2
There really isn't anything new under the sun - consoles ruined the game market - any port most likey will suc - except FFXI (this is a PC board).
Pre PC
1 Elite
2 Castles of Dr Creep - Coop
3 Ultima 4 maybe wrong about this one I have CRS ( Cant remember S**t syndrome)
4 Bard's Tale
5 Kamphgroup
There was a time when Devs actually wanted to put out a great game and graphics had very little to do with it - now its cookie cutter crap and sorting thru it is painful to the wallet
Thanks to steam the prices have become less. What is considered a good game nowdays is nothing compared to what is really great by comparison.
I think Baldur's gate I - II took over 300+hrs first time thru and choices had a real impact. Same with FO 1 & 2. Bard's tale you had to graph the whole game to play it right on actual graph paper.
The creator of the C64 died recently but man that was a great machine for $300 you had a computer that was KA for its time. The Apollo 11 had a 16k computer with a actual cassette tape drive to load the programs and they landed on the moon.
Don't get me wrong I love great graphics and fast games but they lack the depth that the old ones had.
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