I also hate pirates!
I also hate that the mods on these froums allow so much of it to go on.
I beleive any forum poster who supports or advocates piracy should be banned permenatly! But the only thing that happens is the post is locked or deleted.
Piracy hurts us all..
The revenue the game makers would make is lost so they have less to make another. Or they move to consoles to lessen the loss.
It hurts " Honest" PC gamers because games cost more, we get less of them..and we have to deal with Secur-Rom and other anit-piracy crap!
PC games didn't even break a billion dollars last year in sales....while consoles did almost 5 billion!
Is it any wonder PC gamers are hurting? And why game makers are moving to consoles!
Pirates are driviing the PC market out of business! For every game sold there are 2 or more illegal copies of it! Imagine the games that could be made with that money!
So what if you think game makers make enough money already? So what! So do banks... but I don't see any of you robbing them! Thats why they are in business...to make money!
Do you really want to waste all that money you spend on upgrading your rig because there is suddenly no more games to play on it?
If you see anyone talking about or advoacating piracy...report it to the mods. Lets get them out of here!
Pirates think..." Oh..it's onlly 1 or 2 games...they won't miss that" But then so does every other pirate...and the next thing you know you're talking millions of games.
Also many think " They'll never catch me or even find out!" Maybe not...then again maybe they will! The aninmity of the internet gives them that belief. And for the most part....Unfortunately... they are correct! Hopefully that will change someday and the " casual" pirate will realize how much trouble that they can get into.
Anything above 50 dollars is considered larceny...that's the average price of a game nowadays! Do you want that on your record....imagine the jobs you'll get..."Do you want fries with that?' LOL!!!
Piracy is illegal...it is also immoral ( I just had a debate with a bunch of losers about this on another post)
You can not justify it by " I'll D/L it and if I like it...then I'll buy it!" That is illegal.
Someone stated it is only illegal to upload it...not to dowload it. But you are condoning it because you just D/Led an illegal upload. In fact you are an accessory after the fact! And by law can be charged with the same crime!
I hate pirates! You are stealing from me...so don't let me find you. I will also report any post that even hints at piracy! The rest of you need to do this also...get the mods so worked up that they will just start banning them!
There is no excuse for torrenting/pirating games....nothing you can say can make me or any other "Honest" PC gamer make it allright.
I wasn't always a goody two shoe...I did time. But I also learned a lesson that stealing...even if you think the person wouldn't miss it...always hurts someone. You wouldn't want someone stealing from you...would you?
I didn't think so...
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