after i play some hours i get this msg ea master server conection lost and it exit me back to the loggin window then i try to connect with my user it says contacting ea master server then after 30 sec i get a msg can't connect to ea master server please check your network then i have 2 options OK or Retry i press retry and i get the same msg then i press ok and it goes me to offline game and i can't play on multiplayer then i exit the game to check if my internet is working and its working! but i have the same msg i can play cabal online and i can whatch videos on youtube and stuff then i try to connect agen in the game and get the msg agen then i restart my pc and try agen and agen i get the msg then after i sleep and get up in the morning and try i able to get in the game and always some were in my time about in 3 i can't connect until tomarrow! wth is with this!? i really want to play please help!
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