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The fact that you don't have a video card is probably the cause. Any integrated chip on the G31/G33 chipset won't even come close to being able to support any of those games (well, maybe 1942, but it won't run well). Chances are when you are installing those games, the installer either blocks you from installing it due to inadequate hardware, the game itself refuses to boot on such a low-end system, or the game chokes as soon as you start it due to inadequate hardware. At the bare minimum, you will need to purchase a new video card if you want to play any of those games.
Are you using an on-board graphics? Try to update your driver first. Use the driver CD included with your PC if you have it. ---------------------------------------------------------mechellaflynn
his onboard is uter trash lololol he needs a gpu in this case. feel free to come back when you have some cash to spend on one for some recommendations.
thanx for the helpyogesifierLook, what did i tell you? How long did it take for you to get a awnsert in your thread instead of hitchiking anothrone? :P
As you already figured out, most intergrated graphics is crap and particular the intel ones.
You don't have to buy a whole new PC as most of the things you got is fairly decent, a good GPU and you should play all the games you want without to much truble.
@ aura_enchanted Thanx 4 the reply im planning for buying a new laptop this month can u recommend me best & cheapest ( as i have limited budget ) configuration for tht for playing game lyk cod series , operation flashpoint 2 , battlefield series and every type of 1st person shooter game . yogesifier
mmk whats your budget
im having problem in either playing or installing so many games i have downloded so many game but no able to play them , viz (crysis demo , operation flashpoint 2, battelfiled 1942 , call of duty 2 , etc) but facing problem in installing or running it does my pc supports any of this above mention games ? is thr any virus problem ? MY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS i have Intel(r) G33/G31 express Chipset family mother board with display memory is 256 mb RAM - 1 gb and i have acer 21" monitor my current display mode is 1600*900 (32bit) (60hz) and processor is 2.6 ghz E5300 I Don't have graphic card . PLZ HELP ME OUTyogesifier
In a nutshell: your computer blows, hard. Don't even attempt to upgrade individual components; you need a whole new build.
[QUOTE="yogesifier"]im having problem in either playing or installing so many games i have downloded so many game but no able to play them , viz (crysis demo , operation flashpoint 2, battelfiled 1942 , call of duty 2 , etc) but facing problem in installing or running it does my pc supports any of this above mention games ? is thr any virus problem ? MY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS i have Intel(r) G33/G31 express Chipset family mother board with display memory is 256 mb RAM - 1 gb and i have acer 21" monitor my current display mode is 1600*900 (32bit) (60hz) and processor is 2.6 ghz E5300 I Don't have graphic card . PLZ HELP ME OUTBigsteve3570
In a nutshell: your computer blows, hard. Don't even attempt to upgrade individual components; you need a whole new build.
its not thta bad but yeah its not exactly bristling with power.
[QUOTE="yogesifier"]im having problem in either playing or installing so many games i have downloded so many game but no able to play them , viz (crysis demo , operation flashpoint 2, battelfiled 1942 , call of duty 2 , etc) but facing problem in installing or running it does my pc supports any of this above mention games ? is thr any virus problem ? MY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS i have Intel(r) G33/G31 express Chipset family mother board with display memory is 256 mb RAM - 1 gb and i have acer 21" monitor my current display mode is 1600*900 (32bit) (60hz) and processor is 2.6 ghz E5300 I Don't have graphic card . PLZ HELP ME OUTaura_enchanted
In a nutshell: your computer blows, hard. Don't even attempt to upgrade individual components; you need a whole new build.
its not thta bad but yeah its not exactly bristling with power.
That mobo is sketchy, if he upgrades that, then he'll need new parts for everything else.[QUOTE="yogesifier"]im having problem in either playing or installing so many games i have downloded so many game but no able to play them , viz (crysis demo , operation flashpoint 2, battelfiled 1942 , call of duty 2 , etc) but facing problem in installing or running it does my pc supports any of this above mention games ? is thr any virus problem ? MY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS i have Intel(r) G33/G31 express Chipset family mother board with display memory is 256 mb RAM - 1 gb and i have acer 21" monitor my current display mode is 1600*900 (32bit) (60hz) and processor is 2.6 ghz E5300 I Don't have graphic card . PLZ HELP ME OUTBigsteve3570
In a nutshell: your computer blows, hard. Don't even attempt to upgrade individual components; you need a whole new build.
You're delirious. Ofc. he's PC arent the high end but it certain don't "blows"! for one :His CPU is good for most and particular in the games he mentioned. running up second: His ram should do well in the games he mentioned but that could most likely be upgraded very simple and cheap with another GB module witch should run any game out currently. And third: His GPU (Yes he already got one allthru it's an chip on the MB and not a dedicated card) can be upgraded to a midclass graphic card with little power requirements and should fit most cases. As an ex., a basic card from current gen ATI that consume little power will run thoose games @ full settings. So, getting a $150 (100 on the graphic and 50 on a ram module.) upgrade does let him play all those games with ease and with such a upgrade he could play most current games very well.[QUOTE="Bigsteve3570"][QUOTE="yogesifier"]im having problem in either playing or installing so many games i have downloded so many game but no able to play them , viz (crysis demo , operation flashpoint 2, battelfiled 1942 , call of duty 2 , etc) but facing problem in installing or running it does my pc supports any of this above mention games ? is thr any virus problem ? MY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS i have Intel(r) G33/G31 express Chipset family mother board with display memory is 256 mb RAM - 1 gb and i have acer 21" monitor my current display mode is 1600*900 (32bit) (60hz) and processor is 2.6 ghz E5300 I Don't have graphic card . PLZ HELP ME OUTswehunt
In a nutshell: your computer blows, hard. Don't even attempt to upgrade individual components; you need a whole new build.
You're delirious. Ofc. he's PC arent the high end but it certain don't "blows"! for one :His CPU is good for most and particular in the games he mentioned. running up second: His ram should do well in the games he mentioned but that could most likely be upgraded very simple and cheap with another GB module witch should run any game out currently. And third: His GPU (Yes he already got one allthru it's an chip on the MB and not a dedicated card) can be upgraded to a midclass graphic card with little power requirements and should fit most cases. As an ex., a basic card from current gen ATI that consume little power will run thoose games @ full settings. So, getting a $150 (100 on the graphic and 50 on a ram module.) upgrade does let him play all those games with ease and with such a upgrade he could play most current games very well. I am, I read his CPU as a single core. I am totally wrong on this one. I notice his mobo, but not the cpu, haha.quite a discussion ha thanx anyways guyz u were jus ow some so thn it would cost me 150$ approx . isnt it? upgradation of RAM n a gc yogesifier
yeah.. get another sitck of ram to match your current ones in speed. ideally 1 or 2gb doesnt particularly matter but try and stick with 1 brand for best results.
as for a video card hmm..
ah i klnow just the one: ... boom, boom.. firepowah!
but then i think i dont need gc for playing cod 4 coz the system requirement in this site for this game shows no need for gcyogesifier
really now.. here try again at in the event i am from mars or something and got it all wrong you should still look into more ram 1gb is weaksauce plain and simple..
Playing games... without a video/graphics card...
Get a graphics card if you wish to play video games on your computer. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 1.5GB GDDR5 PCI Express Graphics Card is one of the best graphics cards available right now, but it'll cost you $500. I'm guessing you're looking for a graphics card that's a bit cheaper. Look on Best Buy or something for a new graphics card.
Playing games... without a video/graphics card...
Get a graphics card if you wish to play video games on your computer. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 1.5GB GDDR5 PCI Express Graphics Card is one of the best graphics cards available right now, but it'll cost you $500. I'm guessing you're looking for a graphics card that's a bit cheaper. Look on Best Buy or something for a new graphics card.
im sorry but i had to do this.. just for you no one else
gamespot is wrong in the sense tht , according to gamespot one dosent need graphic card to play cod 4 but aura gave me a link of which says u need gc to play cod4 . ahhhhhhhhhhh its to confusing :shock:
okay last thing plz name 1st person shooter game tht i can play rght now with my present configuration .
You should be able to run UT2004. NFS underground 1-2. But i would not dare to guess if they run without probs for you. :( Not sure if your motherboard is using the intel GMA3100 or the GMA4500(HD/X), theyre both very bad but the latter 4500 is much better than the 3100. The 4500HD should play many older (bf. 2005) games on atleast low settings.and any of the nfs series game :)
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