I am from first group myself. I like games VERY VERY VERY much.
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3rd, I play games for entertainment and to have fun, I don't play games as a job. If I don't have any game left to play or none are entertaining after some time, I find something else to do, like drawing, which I like more than games.
My life for games. when I am not playin games,I feel bad. Someone who admits to this should consider getting help with their addiction. It would be an addiction if someone was feeling bad or depressed away from their games when they go to school, work, friends or families house.Jd1680aOh that's my bigges problem. and I think no one can help me about this addiction. because it's very advanced in me. I think no one in the world has the same feeling as I do about the games. It's the biggest torment for me to go to party,park or outside the house.and that's all for games. Last word: My life is tied with games. and this tie is unbreakable.
[QUOTE="Jd1680a"]My life for games. when I am not playin games,I feel bad. Someone who admits to this should consider getting help with their addiction. It would be an addiction if someone was feeling bad or depressed away from their games when they go to school, work, friends or families house.herzalotOh that's my bigges problem. and I think no one can help me about this addiction. because it's very advanced in me. I think no one in the world has the same feeling as I do about the games. It's the biggest torment for me to go to party,park or outside the house.and that's all for games. Last word: My life is tied with games. and this tie is unbreakable. there are more worthy things to do,while gaming too
I like games, but if I don't get to play them, I don't feel bad about it - I have other, sometimes better things to do.
Games have been a big part of my life for ten plus years now, started with the first serious game I played on the PC (Alice) which I found had very deep psychological and philosophical depth to it. It resonated with my particular frame of mind at that time and made me a hardcore PC gamer seemingly for life, I haven't shaken the bug since :p
Before that for ten years it was all about music - the most progressive, the most challenging, the most futuristic the better - I just had to be on the cutting edge of it, so I played it, listened to it, and mixed it. For clubs and parties.
It was jedi outcast and quake 3 arena which made me a Pro Gamer - it was the online multiplayer aspect which was so compelling .. so many skilled players you either adapted and excelled or got miserably owned and eating dust. Jedi Outcast had Capture the Flag with its TeamWarfare leagues and Quake 3 Arena had Deathmatch.
I think in the long run game designers and publishers shouldn't overlook the online aspect of community building - it's ability to raise the skill challenge and extend the life of the game, which without multiplayer features are usually just one shot playthroughs and that's it.
I still play games immensly but haven't touched any multiplayer games as of late, for it just seems it's being neglected, isn't compelling enough, or is just plain lame. Could be also I'm coming to the end of a great run. But I still have faith and am ever eager to get my hands on the next great game to come along. So here's to gaming (PC preferably) cheers, cheers.
Video games are my favorite past time but I don't let them consume me.For one thing they are really expensive unless someone else is buying them for you or your just rich,and I also like to get out and do stuff.In most of my actuall free time though I play video games.I used to play more games but to me the quality of video games in general is just gone down hill for me.Some developer will come out with a cool new title and then it seems a thousand other developers make clones and just a few of the clones are worth playing. Still there are those games that come out and I am like I remember why this is my favorite thing to do.THose moments don't come like they used to for anyways.Maybe its that I played games for 20 years + now I don't really think it is though.The cost of development is way higher so developers take less risks witch results in more lack luster but sometimes solid at the same time titles.
Another thing thats turning me off to games is expansions.Take fallout 3 for example.I loved fallout 3 but the first 2 expansions were rip offs to me as it only took a few hours to complete each.I also know they had this planed because the expansions started to come out just a few short months after the game.I get tired of greedy developers.I think that if they was to release say the pitt,broken steel and ancorage all in one expansion for 15$ to 20 bucks it would be worth it but I paid about 35$ I think for all the downloads.Once all the expansions come out you'll pay really close to another 60$ bucks for all of them combined,and I don't think they are worth it.I plan to start waiting it out and playing the game of the year editions for much cheaper.Another thing about this was broken steel corupted my saved games and I had to start all the way over.
Still I have hopes for video games but everyday my gaming future just looks a little more grimmer.
I picked the second option; I am very *cough*obsessive about my hobbies; and gaming is at the top of the list. But there are a few others thatI also dedicate time to; Anime, manga, collecting, cartoons, drawing, and writing. So yeah; I split them all up.
[QUOTE="PublicNuisance"]Oh so you have my problem.My life for games suits me pretty well.
Don't let them tell you it is a problem, it is a gift.
World of Warcraft and a free year of school got me adicted to PC gaming.
I never expected it to happen to me and always thought it was silly but it can really happen.. :|
I don't play too many videogames anymore, maybe 2 hours a day, but I do spend like 3-4 hours a day on the internet, watching movies on my pc, etc besides playing games.
i used to live to play games.... i still play way too many games but i got to admit that they suck, games get worst every year, just like the developers have run out of idea, the only games that are worth it are the ps3 exclusives in my opinion.dakan45What kind of new games sucK? Many of them are pretty good. of course many of them suck too just as you said.
I'm right in there between 2 and 3 but I voted 3. I just have a problem with the word "need" in the poll. I don't need as much as I desire to play games. Need just has the wrong connotation in that I need food and water to live but I don't need games to live. But I do desire games to live happily cause a life without games would be devoid of fun and fullfilment.
I like playing games for fun, but they don't get priority over the important things in my life. I'd like to develop games at some point, but I'd also enjoy doing any kind of development.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]i used to live to play games.... i still play way too many games but i got to admit that they suck, games get worst every year, just like the developers have run out of idea, the only games that are worth it are the ps3 exclusives in my opinion.herzalotWhat kind of new games sucK? Many of them are pretty good. of course many of them suck too just as you said. i know one thing..... i hated some old games because the older ones were better and i hate the new games because they get from bad to worse... i dont care about unique ideas or freedom, i just want a good fun well designed game with alot of love in the story and level design, one charming gaming that you dont let go and you just keep playing all the time.... now most games are sacrifising good levels and nice moments and great story for dull enviroments with shinny graphics and repettive gameplay full of weird gameplay mechanics....... As for "many of them are pretty good" how you define good? Old low budget games are better than the new AAAs and the fact that a game got 9 or 9.5 nowadays doesnt mean its better than an old game that god 8 or 8.5 just because of the higher rating... example deus ex and ss2 didnt make it to a 9 but they are far better than the new 9 or 9.5 games. As for those who suck? Too many 6.5s the last few years.
[QUOTE="herzalot"][QUOTE="dakan45"]i used to live to play games.... i still play way too many games but i got to admit that they suck, games get worst every year, just like the developers have run out of idea, the only games that are worth it are the ps3 exclusives in my opinion.dakan45What kind of new games sucK? Many of them are pretty good. of course many of them suck too just as you said. i know one thing..... i hated some old games because the older ones were better and i hate the new games because they get from bad to worse... i dont care about unique ideas or freedom, i just want a good fun well designed game with alot of love in the story and level design, one charming gaming that you dont let go and you just keep playing all the time.... now most games are sacrifising good levels and nice moments and great story for dull enviroments with shinny graphics and repettive gameplay full of weird gameplay mechanics....... As for "many of them are pretty good" how you define good? Old low budget games are better than the new AAAs and the fact that a game got 9 or 9.5 nowadays doesnt mean its better than an old game that god 8 or 8.5 just because of the higher rating... example deus ex and ss2 didnt make it to a 9 but they are far better than the new 9 or 9.5 games. As for those who suck? Too many 6.5s the last few years. you are completely right. most o f these new games are "all flash,no substance' type. They don't care about Depth of a game anymore. game develepers usually want to gain the attention of gamers by gorgeous graphics and a lot of blood.
i like games alot but i dont HAVE to play them... i can stop when ever i want to.... tommrow...maybe
I love games quite a lot.Playing games is my primary past-time , I spend most of my freetime playing games , but Iam not too insane about them like #1.Sometimes I get bored and can't play any games.I prefer going out with my friends , reading books or playing sports rather thansitting home andplaying games.But because of some conditions , the time I spend on these activities is less than the time I spend on games.I voted for #2.
[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="herzalot"] What kind of new games sucK? Many of them are pretty good. of course many of them suck too just as you said.herzaloti know one thing..... i hated some old games because the older ones were better and i hate the new games because they get from bad to worse... i dont care about unique ideas or freedom, i just want a good fun well designed game with alot of love in the story and level design, one charming gaming that you dont let go and you just keep playing all the time.... now most games are sacrifising good levels and nice moments and great story for dull enviroments with shinny graphics and repettive gameplay full of weird gameplay mechanics....... As for "many of them are pretty good" how you define good? Old low budget games are better than the new AAAs and the fact that a game got 9 or 9.5 nowadays doesnt mean its better than an old game that god 8 or 8.5 just because of the higher rating... example deus ex and ss2 didnt make it to a 9 but they are far better than the new 9 or 9.5 games. As for those who suck? Too many 6.5s the last few years. you are completely right. most o f these new games are "all flash,no substance' type. They don't care about Depth of a game anymore. game develepers usually want to gain the attention of gamers by gorgeous graphics and a lot of blood. thanks
[QUOTE="herzalot"][QUOTE="dakan45"] i know one thing..... i hated some old games because the older ones were better and i hate the new games because they get from bad to worse... i dont care about unique ideas or freedom, i just want a good fun well designed game with alot of love in the story and level design, one charming gaming that you dont let go and you just keep playing all the time.... now most games are sacrifising good levels and nice moments and great story for dull enviroments with shinny graphics and repettive gameplay full of weird gameplay mechanics....... As for "many of them are pretty good" how you define good? Old low budget games are better than the new AAAs and the fact that a game got 9 or 9.5 nowadays doesnt mean its better than an old game that god 8 or 8.5 just because of the higher rating... example deus ex and ss2 didnt make it to a 9 but they are far better than the new 9 or 9.5 games. As for those who suck? Too many 6.5s the last few years.dakan45you are completely right. most o f these new games are "all flash,no substance' type. They don't care about Depth of a game anymore. game develepers usually want to gain the attention of gamers by gorgeous graphics and a lot of blood. thanks You are welcome!
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