So, any Quakeworld players here? It really is an awesome game, in my opinion.... fast, lots of skill, and strategy(though I don't have a lot of skill or strat :P)
You can get it free here (and no, you do not need any other quake game for multi). It only comes with part of the single player, but it's the multi that matters :P The community is pretty small, but it is pretty cool playing the same people every night. And some of the players are really good, so it is not very hard to find some highly skilled players. And here are some cool QW video's to hopefully get you to try it, if you weren't already planning on it:
DDE3 (warning: music may be a turn off, so mute if you have to)
For actual matches(with commentary):
QuakePhil (if you look to his latest uploads vs. shrugger, that is me(the one getting owned) :P)
And here is a frag I did:
Link(may not be much, but I am proud of it :P)
Please check out this game... it seams like it may be on its last legs here in North America. And no, I am not one of those people who has been playing for years and can't move on. I didn't start until sometime last year.
And if you do, PM me, and we can set some friendly matches up :D QW can be very overwhelming at first)
Oh, and one last thing: Use this site to find servers. DO NOT rely on the in game server list. Need anything else and just go to #qwrookie on Quaknet(IRC), or just PM me
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