I went out and purchased a thermaltake 430w TR2 PSU for my HP desktop http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153023&cm_re=430w-_-17-153-023-_-Product
the installation went fine and I have my pc running fine ( exept the optical drive which needs a 4 pin molex to SATA power adapter,just waiting on it to come in by mail.)
I have a question, is it normal for the 20+4 pin connector to be a PITA to remove?
when removing the stock psu, while pressing the release clip on the conector I had to apply alot of pressure and shake it from side to side and I'm sorta scared that I may have applied too much pressure.
my specs
430w PSU
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 @2.5ghz
8gb DDR3 PC3 ram
ATI Radeon 4650 1gb DDR2
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