Hello! i have questions about half life episode 2, i'm planning to get it but only if it answers some requirements, for starters, is it HD? like left 4 dead? i played around with the far cry 2 map editor and i eventualy got bored cause of the lack of variety, so i decided i may want to play around with the Source SDK to make some nice maps, but i preffer it to be in high definition, yes, i am a game snob, that's how it is , since i got my new high end computer it turned me into a game snob, you know how it is... also, there are a few more things that i want but it's optional, like the gore and dismemberment, can you shoot/slash someone's arm or head off? could you shoot someone in the reproduction organ and see theyr guts spill out? like in left 4 dead, i know it's not left 4 dead but i really love the idea! it's scary and moving in a way. so yeah, thanks in advance.
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