The 460s too old and outdated design, my brother has a full tower case with great airflow and his card hits 95c playing BF3 without overclock and it has very poor Dx11 performance. It was good in its time but its 2 gens old.
What? Poor cooler? I had the reference model before and they stay below 60-70c even after overclocking.
The gtx 460 are currently rebadged as gtx 560 with higher clocks and they are on par with 6870.
The GTX 560's are not just a re badge of GTX 460's they are different , they use the same core as the GTX 560ti (G114), but with one shader cluster disabled. Also the gpu architecture was redesigned to be more efficient. Even if they were clocked the same the GTX 560 would be still be slightly faster.Here we go again. The GTX 460 also used a die with a shader cluster disabled, which is why it ended up with 336 cores instead of 384. The only difference between an overclocked GTX 460 1GB and a GTX 560 is that the 560 is very slightly more power efficient. In terms of performance, they are the same clock for clock. They are architecturally identical aside from the power-saving improvements. For all intents and purposes, a GTX 560 is just a rebadged GTX 460 1GB OC.
To the people talking about a GTX 460 running hot- That is most definitely the exception and not the rule. They are well-known to be very cool-running cards. I had one with a 24/7 OC to 911mhz with a voltage bump, and it never hit over 72 degrees C in any game.
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