There keeps popping up a warning of hardware detected (PCI). I have only my sound card connected to PCI and PCI 16x graphics card. Both are installed and work fine.
I guess its some kind of conflict with windows XP itself.
It ask me wheter I want to install drivers for the detected hardware, with windows update. I say yes... then another window pops up saying: Drivers failled to install.
I click on the ''Never ask me again to install'' option. But nonetheless it keeps popping up everytime I reboot my computer, again and again... and again :|
What can I do?
I renamed the Thread to ''Radeon HD 3850 Conflict with Integrated HD audio controller''.
I'm pretty sure its caused by the graphics card. I just found out it has a integratedHD audio controller on it. No idea what it means.. or how to turn it off. But I think this is the thing that is causing the conflict. At least it does in Windows XP (home).
I'm going to wait and see the responses of other people who have recently bought the same graphics card.
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