Hey guys im ready to join PC gaming after i realize how much better it is playing on a freinds laptop (He got a Sweet Gaming Laptop)
So im on a Budget and well building my own cpu is out of the question because well it just is lol :p
so im asking your guys help for the best budget PC i can build on ibuypower or similar websites like that if you could point me in the right direction.
I have a copy of windows 7 so thats not a problem.
so my Budget is about 500 through 700 though 700 is pushing it.
is there any way you guys could help my come up with a pc that will be able to run RIFT, Star Wars The Old Republic (my main reason for wanting to PC game lol and FPS'S) Just a good Computer that can run those games and games like Dragon Age and just any newer titels that come out.
thx guys i really appreciate it (really i do)
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