smerlus is right that we bash consoles, but we are all right. Any controller cannot beat the keyboard and mouse. Mods on the PC are much, much better than they are on the consoles. PC games are about variety.
PC gamers, I think, are more sophisticated than console gamers. We find problems, we try to fix it. We don't like something, we fix it. We can customize settings to our liking. Consoles are too straightforward.
I like PC gaming more than console gaming because it better control, and a MUCH, MUCH better community. PC gamers are like 1 big family.
You're right that the K&M scheme is better for FPS's but does that really matter when all the people you're playing against have the exact same system, and exact same controls as you do?
If you and I were playing Team Fortress2 for PCand I was running the game on minimum setting because my computer could barely run it and you had this $1500 gaming rig, who ultimately has the advantage regardless of skill?
you do.
About fixing games... I'm sorry that you see a game that ships with a ton of bugs where you have to go into options and start tweaking things or searching for patches as a plus... apply this concept to any other thing you buy and you'll see that it's crazy. If you buy abrand new car, do you want to have to make repairs to it and wait for new parts to come out before you can drive it decently?
The only thing I really like about PC gaming is mods and generally the RPG's are much deeper. If that's the kind of customization you're talking about then i agree. with a few downloads I can extend the life of an already great game by hours and I don't see consoles having anything like that for a long time.
but nothing beats console games in variety. we have every genre that the PC has with a few a little bit shallower here and there (RTS, adventure, flight sims) but then PC misses out on platforming, puzzle, fighting, a ton of sports, light gun games and things like that.
In the end i just think it comes down to the game itself, both consoles and PCs have tons of games that suck and no amount of tweaking, patching, k&M and owning a $2000 PC could save.
it's funny people cop this elitest attitude and say things like "console gamers are morons" yet when there's a topic about which console games would you like on PC they post things like "Oh i want Mass Effect, Resident Evil 5, GTA IV, God of War/Ninja Gaiden 2...."
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