Again, present something flawed just to back up your argument at all costs, let me correct you once again:
- Worship Call of Duty and big budget FPS titles: I won't be buying the next COD, which already has a trailer and is called Advanced Warfare
14 CoD games in and you're bored by the 15th? Hey, it's a little hard to believe...
- Defend big publishers with bleeding heart: Show me where? I purchase both big publishers and Indie Games. I just don't pay for free products like you do.
Any past threads you've participated in pointing out how broken BF4 or the new CoD is, you're pretty much always the exclusive one to rise to the occasion and their defense despite how broken or unoptimized they are. Your argument in each type of thread? "It ran well for me so it's not that broken!" Good one. The rest of the world wept in the meantime at BF4's bugs and Ghost's lolbad optimization.
Example 1
Example 2
@FelipeInside on the topic of BF4 launch said: It's a pretty complex game with everything going on so bugs are understandable.
Game breaking bugs, mostly reported in the beta state of the game, made it into the BF4 release and persisted for weeks on end. Only you, Felipe, could be so understanding when it comes to the largest and wealthiest game publisher on the planet. Most of us would assume that a developer/publisher team with so much talent and money could at least iron out deadly bugs by the game's release. You're clearly in love with EA. Like I said, people complained that these exact same bugs existed in the BF4 beta....
- Demonstrate lack of reading capabilities: Oh the irony coming from you.
Not too sure about that one ;) You make a particularly bad habit about it. You made it easy because you demonstrated just a couple hours of ago, haha...
- Don't buy a $60 full finished game with bugs that they are fixing constantly since it's a brand new MMO.
- Pay $150 for an Alpha that doesn't have everything, is buggy and where the finished product will be FREE to everyone.
Now it's time: prove to everyone that your reading comprehension isn't garbage, where have I stated either of these things? I'll be waiting ;)
Not everyone exclusively loves CoD Felipe, most people are bored with it by now. We know you love Activision, but you're not going to die if there isn't another CoD game. Do you have some sort of "milk me" fetish? Read point 1.
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