Well, my pc just arrived here. and its just sitting in the corner of the room, taunting me. I'll be making it on friday, its tuesday now.... so LONG
Anyways, I was wondering what programs will I need? If that isnt clear I'll give you some examples Avast (anti-virus), Speedfan (hardware temps monitoring), Fraps (in-game recording), and ETC. But try and also include the basics justr in case I forget. Examples, Google Chrome (internet browser), Winrar (u know..), Flash Player, etc.
And if you have the extra few minutes (if you dont, I wont mind), but if you do, can u do a small step by step on what order to mput my pc together? I want to do it the right way, ive done my research, but most people use different ways of doing it. I'll give u guys an example of how I want it.
1.Take motherboard out and put on static free sheet
2. Place CPU in
3. Apply thermal paste
4. Put on heatsink
5. put stand off in the case
6. Place motherboard on the stand-offs.
Thanks X1000000 for everyone who replies.
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