thanks again for the replies everyone ...i'm still about 50/50 on if i'm gonna pre-order it or not..
"Saints Row the Third's "PC version is not a port" PC fans of Saints Row rejoice! Your version of Saint's Row: The Third is not a port, it's built from the ground up as a PC game!
Speaking with writer Drew Holmes recently about the upcoming game in the Saints Row series, we thought we'd check in with the PC lovers of the game, we were greeted with good news: Drew Holmes: "The PC version is not going to be a port this time, we've got pc team working on it in-house at Volition"
that's mainly what got me interested but i haven't heard anything other then that or seen confirmed PC gameplay ... the demo vids i saw were console versions (8mins gameplay) (7 min gameplay/dev commentary)
was hoping someone had seen or had more info on the pc version / confirmation it wasn't ported (hell i'd almost buy it just because/if they built the pc version seprately wish more companies would... alot of ports feel too much like console game in the flow of the controlls/interactions/menus feels slower/sluggish to me) maybe in the comming weeks they will release a PC gameplay vid
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