Has anyone else been a huge fan of MMORPGs, over the years, and decided to walk from them? Realized you were done with them for good?
I've been playing MMORPGs since Everquest: Ruins of Kunark. They've been a big part of my gaming life. So much so that part of what got me into the IT field (starting back in high school) was learning about what would make EQ run better on the family computer and then my own PCs as I built and rebuilt them. I've played them off and on since then but it's only been this year that I really started experiencing serious burn out. I've had it before and I would stop playin for a while but this time it's different. Usually when I lost interest in one game I move on to another or go back to an older game or just stop playing for a while. I've done that a few times this year but things simply weren't enjoyable. I'd play for a few days before I got tired. I realize it was the style of gameplay that I no longer cared for. I still enjoyed the lore and would even love if a single player game set in many of the worlds these games have but the actual MMORPG gameplay either it be Everquest 1 or 2, World of Warcraft, Rift, Age of Conan or even DC Universe Online was simply no longer fun. Not only that but in the end I came to the conclusion I was simply tired of the genre itself. I no longer found it enjoyable.
It was made very clear to me yesterday. I updated Everquest 2 because I had free time due to the Sony hack (SOE was hacked as well). I spent a few hours in the game and felt nothing. Wasn't even frustrated, just blah. I figured enough was enough. I usually kept several installed on my PC just in case I want to play them again but I felt I needed to make a clean break. So I uninstalled the remaining games I had on my computer.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited
Everquest 2: Sentinel's Fate
Guild Wars
For the first time I feel like I'm honestly done with MMORPGs. Not tired or need a break or a different game provides a new setting but done completely with them. I don't care if I never play another one again. It's kinda sad in a way though but time to move on. Just curious if anyone else had to go through this or is currently going through this? If so were you glad you made the leap? Do you regret at times?
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