All this DRM talk is starting to get boring. We went through the same thing with Securom for a while. People were whining and complaining about Securom, and would always feel the need to announce to the world that they wouldn't be buying such and such a title until Securom was removed.
As far as the delay is concerned - wow, two weeks, and some of you guys are saying that 'PC Gamers got screwed again'? Is this the so-called 'Me Generation' speaking here? You can't wait two weeks for a game?
What is it with people these days?
"I'm not buying this crap game because it's got an Ubisuck DRM on it!"
"Yeah, well I'm not buying this game because it's being released two weeks after the console!"
"I'm not buying this game because it has Securom on it!"
"I'm not buying it because it doesn't have multiplayer."
"I'm not buying it because it doesn't have co-op play."
"Well I played the demo, and even though the game promises 40 hours of intriguing gameplay, and 300 people spent three years working on it, I just found the whole thing to be meh... but maybe I'll pick it up for ten dollars later on."
People just can't wait to be critical of a game, and find a reason not to buy it. Or are these perhaps the excuses that people are looking for in order to justify them pirating the game?
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