I agree on:
Vampire the masquerade: bloodlines (unofficial patch fixes problems)
System shock 2 (stay away from 1)
Darker corners of the earth (first half)
Condemned (sometimes)
STALKER (also sometimes)
Penumbra (spelling?)
AvP (The marine part to be exact, it can get intense, and not the shooty kind, just looking at the scanner, hearing those bleps, still gives me the chills)
These games are very good scary games, mainly because they do not emply the "pop up shock" effects, that most games use, they do nto shock you, they scare you. Through atmopsphere, sound, and general story.
if you like cheap shocks (some find them scary, the rest of us just annoying)
Dead Space (while it has some good atmosphere, it employies the scares in the embodyment of shock uses)
FEAR (ok it is supernatural, I get it, but honestly most of it again comes at sudden flashes, and pop ins)
DOOM 3 (yeah the champ of monster closets, good sound tho)
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