Wow funny how no one in here even bothers to mention the nvidia control panel and the settings in it. TC you need to right click your desktop click nvidia control panel, go to 3d settings and change these following settings to what is shown then come back and tell me if it's made a difference.
Ambient occlusion-off
Anisotropic filtering-application controlled
Antiaaliasing FXAA- off
Antialiasing gamma correction- on
Antialiasing mode - Application controlled
Antialiasing settings- Application controlled
Antialiasing transparency - off
Maximum pre rendered frames- 1
Multi-display/mixed-gpu acceleration - single display performance mode (unless you have more then one screen)
Power management mode - Prefer maximum performance
Texture filtering anisotropic sample option- off
Texture filtering negative LOD bias - Allow
Texture quality- High performance
Texture filtering trilinear optimization- On
Threaded optimization- Auto
Tripple buffering- off
Vertical sync- Use 3d application setting
Change those settings then come back and tell me if it has or hasn't made a difference. If it hasn't made any difference at all to your frames then you my friend have something very wrong with your card or settup.
I too have a gtx 770 the 4gb version from gigabyte and I am able to run games like bf4 and others at max settings AT 1440P (no anti aliasing and I use the nvidia control panels ambient occlusion as it gives me more performance over the in game versions), and I'm pulling anywhere from 40-60 or more frames depending on the game. So your issue of getting 9fps is most likely to due with how you have your card setup.
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