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Yes you should buy it, not only because it still is a great game, there's always hundreds of people playing on BNET, but also so you can understand the great story that the StarCraft campaigns unveils. And nowadays is a very cheap game!
 P.S: (Portuguese) Só agora é que vi que tambem és Portugues lol, compra o jogo acredita qu é mesmo muito bom, qualquer pessoa que goste de RTS e mesmo que não goste muito do genero, mal o comece a jogar fica logo agarrado! E a historia é realmente muito boa, das melhores feitas até hoje para um jogo principalmente se a fores percebendo como deve de ser. Experimenta ver na Fnac que ainda á tempos vi o Starcraft e a expansao Brood War á venda juntos por 15 ou 20euros já nao me recordo bem.
You shouldn't, YOU MUST.
 Those 2D graphics, beautifull 2D graphics, using a resolution of 640x480 16 bit colors, those greatly animated units that destroys your enemies at your command. Zergling rushes, Terran bases destroyed under the jaws of the zerg or the psionic blades of the protoss; enemies utterly destroyed by nuclear launches; a great storyline with great characters (with good voice-over's in my opinion).
Well balanced (after you've patched it :3), fast-paced RTS game, that even after 10 years, you're still listening about it.
I think this are some reasons, and the game isn't quite expensive.
Gog off course that SC doesn't compare to modern RTS, but still is a good game, and if someone is thinking of buying SC2 then i think that he should play SC1 before so he can understand the history.
Just my opinion nothing more, or like you over there say, just my two cents!
It's 10 years old. No matter how good it was, it doesn't compare well against modern RTS games.
Yes. StarCraft more or less created what we have today... but think about it. Now we have it, it won't be THE EXPERIENCE, just another RTS. It's another thing if it brings back memories, for the veterans and the likes... but you would be better off with one of the newer RTSs.
 On the other hand, can't really go wrong if you pay 10 bucks.
u can get the whole battlechest for 20$ got the expansion with it
best rts ive ever played...still play
It's 10 years old. No matter how good it was, it doesn't compare well against modern RTS games.
Personally, I hate RTSes for the most part.. I can't stand the repetitiveness and all that, and normally, no matter how much I try, I can't enjoy it for very long at all.. Maybe a few minutes. But Starcraft.. I could play.. And that was many years after it's release, and I even got brood wars. I enjoyed the story, and that helped me get through the game by the time I was bored with it as well, but there's just something to it.. This perfectly placed simplicity that makes it still fun, and not annoying. I can't even play RTSes with no micromanaging at all, and even worse with the ones with tons of it.. Starcraft was just fun, and had a fun story.. I could stand the lord of the rings one for a little bit longer than most, but in the end kinda boring like other RTSes.. I enjoyed Rome Total War for a while, because it was so unique, and deep despite the lack of micromanaging and such, but I got bored eventually..
I guess what I'm saying is get it.. Even though it may be that old, at least for me, it has some amazingly enjoyable and unique flair and 'feeling' to it that may still offer something great to anyone, even people high high expectations of RTSes because of the modern ones. And it couldn't possibly cost that much : p And I hate playing RTSes online even more than anything : pÂ
Yes for two reasons...
One... Because the game follows from the orignal and Brood Wars, you will have a far greater understanding of the story line and the units and game play tactics. (If you buy it now, you should have just about enough time to learn some of them!)
Two... I think that all 'true' games need StarCraft in their collection... after all it is the game of the last century!
 Besides all of that, it is a great game, sure, some of the newer RTS do have better graphics and other stuff, but StarCraft has that 'X' factor that very few have... plus join thousands online who still play the game very competitively.
Buy it... you will enjoy it!Â
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