I'd be weary of WoW. It is a huge time sink and requires a significant and sustained effort to have any good epic gear. I played WoW from 2004 upon release till 2008... did the grand marshal hunter thing... things changed with BC, then changed again... don't play WoW for pvp - it is lacking, with so few battlegrounds and constant character balancing problems one gets the idea that Blizzard is a little confused. Lvl'ing up in WoW is admitidly fun. Once you hit lvl 80 - you aren't even close to being done, that is when the game begins and it will kill you.
Grinding instances (with a good guild) takes time... days, weeks... many hours especially if the group you're with hasn't done the instance before. This means it takes a long time to gear up, you have other classes needing items, loot systems (dkp, etc) which require you to spend time before you get an item... usually a lot of time - a priority system, you name it... these all make it very difficult to get a lot of the best stuff - and before you know it Blizzard releases a patch and makes your gear outdated.
Its a never ending grind which can be frustrated at times by the lack of PvP options - warsong, arathi basin, alterac valley - have been out since the beginning (nearly) with only eye of the storm and that new one on the beach... its just the same ole thing. They change things and change them often. If you want to have something to hold you over till something else comes along - get WoW, you'll have fun lvl'ing up your character... so many to choose from and so many quests and zones, its quite fun. Buyer beware, its addicting.
My advice, stop playing after you get to lvl 80 if you decide to go that far. Enjoy your time leveling up, and pvp at the lower lvl's. Oh, and play Horde.
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