@NoodleFighter said:
@jun_aka_pekto: Actually it has two fans not one. I wouldn't get a single fan card of this caliber either unless I had a ton of fans inside the case or was going to liquid cool it. What case do you house your 1060 in and what CPU/heatsink? That plays a factor too since its ventilation and fan placement also factor in how well it will stay cool along with another part significant part that generates heat.
I wasn't gonna use a 1440p monitor, I was gonna use 1440p resolution on the 4k for the games that I can't run at 4k with framerates above 30fps.
I got all my parts except the mobo, HDD and RAM which I'm expecting later this week.
I still have my Cooler Master Silencio 352 I like its sound-deadening inside lining. There's 2 x 120mm intake fans up front, 1 x 120mm exhaust fan each on the back panel and top panel. I still have my hot-running FX-8350. Apart from a Hyper 212 Evo HSF and SSD, I don't think it's worth it spending anymore on my PC.
I was going to replace the CPU 2 years ago. But then, with a combination of patches/DX12/drivers, many of my games gained some fps. For example, the Witcher 3 gained 10-14 fps with my GTX 770. My FX-8350 actually runs games better now than when I first got it. I plan to replace it with an Intel i5-8400 or maybe the i7 counterpart. I just finished Far Cry 5 (Ultra) without so much as a hiccup. I usually base my upgrade schedule on how bad a game runs. It's kinda hard to upgrade when my current set up isn't really chugging (yet) at 1080p.
The 1-fan GTX 1060 isn't a problem in my case. The FX-8350 does overheat on occasion with certain games. I had to turn down the distance LoD settings in Fallout 4 and GTA V to prevent overheating. Otherwise, I have the rest maxed or close to maxed out. Older and linear games such as Crysis 3 and Crysis/Warhead are fine. Far Cry 5 was certainly okay at Ultra. It runs better than Far Cry 3 or Far Cry 4.
When I do upgrade to a new PC, I probably will go with a 21:9 display. That means a new video card as well.
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