Your wrong about being able to max out with one character. There isn't enough perk points to max out your character in every tree. You can try and make a character that can do everything but, he won't be that strong. You will need to focus your perks to the type of character you want in order to really get a powerful character.
It's a lot more balanced then it was with Morrowind. In Skyrim they have caps on resists levels at 85%. You can also only use the trainer 5 times per level. It's not perfect but, it's a lot better now.
As for balanced issues? I don't see the problem with maxing out a character. It's not like you can max it out after 20 hours. This will take upward of a 100+ hours to do even when focused on. If you're not focused on it and just playing the game you can easily hit 200+ hours and not be maxed out.
There are also millions of RPGs where you can do this. Most of the RPGs where you can't max out let you have multiple characters in a group. So in essensce you still are maxing out because you have a character for each class. Skyrim is only one character.
I said maxed out skills, not maxed out perk trees. I know that you've only got an 81 perk limit to spend on anything. And so what if it "takes a long time"? Does it make a difference when at the end you're still a Mary Sue that can crush any other foe in your path? I've never heard of an RPG (millions of them? There aren't so much as a million games in existence!) that allows you to "max" out your skills using companions, because for one thing you can't have more than a handful of them at any one time and the number of available companions tends to get badly outweighed by the number of available skills. Also, Skyrim actually has companions if you didn't notice. :|
You can max out skills? yes... So what? The majority of the characters power comes from a good combination of perks, not maxed out skills. You're trying to say a character with 100 in block but no blocking perks is going to play the same as a character with 100 block and all perks?
The difference would be the character with 100 skill in block but no perks in block - he would be able to put his shield up and metigate some damage and also do a basic shield bash
The character with perks in block would be able to metigate 100% more damage, block all attacks from arrows, do a stronger shield bash which does x5 more damage and can disarm. he can block 50% of magic/elemental damage. He would also be able to put his shield up and "shield charge" which knocks down opponents.
Also yes Skyrim has companions but the player doesn't control the companions, so again.. you make no sense.
The fact is a player gets a possible 80 perks out of 200+.. The perks are what change how a character plays, not the skill level. Skyrim's system is essentially the same as Blizzard's Diablo2/WOW system but without character classes there are skills and limited perks. Most players won't even reach level 81, it will be more around level 50-60. So in fact players do end up with very specific character builds and not all characters play the same. There definitely is a strong RPG character buliding element.
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