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Yeah, I mean alot of companies feel the market is open since blizzard did so well and they are just all trying to jump on the band wagon to make some money (smart business decision)..I probably won't play another MMO until Blizzard's new one that is in developement..I can only play MMOs so long and then I want to turn to a different genre..thats my thing though, some guys can just play MMOs non stop.
If I had to pick another I'd say Jumpgate and maybe kotor if its good. I doubt I'll be playing these though especially with my recent steam games addiction.
I am trying to figure out what these idiot devs are thinking.. 90% of these mmos are the same formula sword and magic mmos.. Why hasn't any one tried to do something unique like Eve Online? sSubZerOo
Probably because Eve Online has 1/100000th (yes, I pulled that fraction out of my ass) of the fanbase of WoW. Chances are if a company is making an MMO these days, they are doing it for the cash. They couldn't care less about making a good game or a unique game. They just want a piece of the pie.
My thoughts are 90% will fail hard within a few months of release, 9% will do ok and survive for a year or more (see conan) and 1% will be WOW expansion/Blizzard MMO which will sell gazillions.
I"m glad I don't play them, it would suck to like a game only to have it shut down months after release, basically rendering the game useless.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] I am trying to figure out what these idiot devs are thinking.. 90% of these mmos are the same formula sword and magic mmos.. Why hasn't any one tried to do something unique like Eve Online? GodLovesDead
Probably because Eve Online has 1/100000th (yes, I pulled that fraction out of my ass) of the fanbase of WoW. Chances are if a company is making an MMO these days, they are doing it for the cash. They couldn't care less about making a good game or a unique game. They just want a piece of the pie.
Even some good ones go down that did do something different because of the reasons in GLD's earlier post. People usually only choose one to play.
An MMO that comes to mind that was new and interesting was Auto Assault. Which failed epicly, that developer is making the Lego MMO and Jumpgate.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] I am trying to figure out what these idiot devs are thinking.. 90% of these mmos are the same formula sword and magic mmos.. Why hasn't any one tried to do something unique like Eve Online? GodLovesDead
Probably because Eve Online has 1/100000th (yes, I pulled that fraction out of my ass) of the fanbase of WoW. Chances are if a company is making an MMO these days, they are doing it for the cash. They couldn't care less about making a good game or a unique game. They just want a piece of the pie.
Thats what is funny because if you want to suceed you really have to poor a tone of resources into the game and make it great but most companies don't realize that.
I also think some of these MMOs coming out like Jumpgate would do a lot better if they didn't charge 15$ usd a month. Maybe like 7.50 or 10 would be a better strategy..The downsides of that would be not making enough money and also people thinking the game is worse since you are paying less.
Thats what is funny because if you want to suceed you really have to poor a tone of resources into the game and make it great but most companies don't realize that.
I also think some of these MMOs coming out like Jumpgate would do a lot better if they didn't charge 15$ usd a month. Maybe like 7.50 or 10 would be a better strategy..The downsides of that would be not making enough money and also people thinking the game is worse since you are paying less.
I think it's too risky, especially for the developer of Jumpgate. If the game goes down the toilet in 6 months, at 15 dollars a month you'd make a lot more money than if it was only half that (you'd make half as much :P).
[QUOTE="crazymaghie123"]Thats what is funny because if you want to suceed you really have to poor a tone of resources into the game and make it great but most companies don't realize that.
I also think some of these MMOs coming out like Jumpgate would do a lot better if they didn't charge 15$ usd a month. Maybe like 7.50 or 10 would be a better strategy..The downsides of that would be not making enough money and also people thinking the game is worse since you are paying less.
I think it's too risky, especially for the developer of Jumpgate. If the game goes down the toilet in 6 months, at 15 dollars a month you'd make a lot more money than if it was only half that (you'd make half as much :P).
yeah who knows..but its always a way to keep players around longer..if they stay around twice as long then they'll come out even, but then again they may stuck around wiht 15 so who knows...
Anyone notice the excessive amount of MMO's coming out soon? They're rampant everywhere, everyone wants a peice of this giant money sucking pie. Any thoughts? Which of these MMO's will you be playing. I was actually concidering Star Trek Online or Jumpgate Evoloution just because they run in such a different direction then any other MMO's I've played. I have a tendancy not to play these types of games too long, I'm just not willing to pay $40 every 2 months to play the same game over and over again. I just finished looking at first impressions for a LEGO MMO.. Wtf?greedomBottom line, easy to make money for creating a monthly payment MMO/MMORPG
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