[QUOTE="spiltmilk"][QUOTE="Deihmos"][QUOTE="spiltmilk"][QUOTE="Deihmos"][QUOTE="coolmonkeykid"][QUOTE="Deihmos"] [QUOTE="PikaPichu"]Has anyone here bought Halo 2 yet? I saw it at the store today and was considering it, but I already played it on my Xbox and even though I have Vista, I still don't have a DX10 card yet and likely won't until sometime next year. So for those who own (bought, not pirated) the PC version, what do you guys think of it?Deihmos
It's pretty good and the graphics are really good. It looks a lot better than most of the current FPS games. I bought it to check out the new vista features and so far i am really impressed. I even plugged in my xbox controller and it works really well. It really made no difference if I used a mouse or controller. I like the rumble in the controller though.
By the way it's not DX10 and you better off asking in the Halo 2 board because you wouldn't get a proper response here. Look at the previous response for example.
Why would you buy a 3 year old port for $50? I doubt the graphics are better than todays FPS.
It's not exactly the same. The graphics are improved, it has widescreen support and the multiplayer will be awesome. Windows Live is also impressive and I bought it for $40.00 which is nothing. I cannot think of much recent FPS games that look as good. Maybe just Battlefield 2142 but even that is nothig special.
WOW, what a biased fanboy. There are tonnes of FPS that blow Halo 2 out of the water graphically. Hell, there were back on 04 with Far Cry, HL2, DSom 3. Halo 2 is vastly overrated, no one who plays PC really cares much for HALO for a reason. The graphics look dated, it is $50, Vista only, and was overrated to begin with. all reviews mention the outdated graphics.
Game that look better then halo 2:
Far Cry
HL2 EP1, and HL2
Rainbow Six Vegas
Quake 4
Doom 3
Battlefield series
Gears of War
I never once said halo 2 was graphically impressive. It doesn't look bad but there are a lot of games that have better graphics. I am not a Halo fan and have not played it in years until yesterday. I did not get it so much that i wanted to play halo but to test Live for Windows and I had a blast. Capture the flag and many of the other game modes are just plain fun and the Windows live features are great. If only all games had just a nice online setup.
Live makes it really easy to use mics in these games. I was able to use my Live headset and here voice from my headset and not through the speakers. Don't think that was possible with any PC game before. Plus people actually used the mics and it was easy to add contacts. Check my gamertag below.
LOL, not a PC gamer are you? You have been able to use Mics and headsets in PC games for ages, befiore consoles. Anything a console can do, it was done before on PC.
PS, you are backpeddling, you said initially you do not knwo of any other shooters that look better then Halo 2, which was total bogus.
I am sure i said battlefield looks better. It looks a lot better than far cry in multiplayer mode. anyway I have nor played enough to compare graphics but i was never the one to care too much about graphics. i am havign a blast playing worms multiplayer and the game has the simplest graphics.
Maybe you did not understand what i said about voice support. i know some games have built in mic support (not many) but I always wanted voice to come from a headset and not my speakers. Halo 2 is the first game i have seen with this option but it's in the Live features.
Sigh, getting sound from the mic to the headset has been done for years bro, I understood fully. Your exact quote at first was:
"I don't know os any shooters that look betetr then Halo 2". You you want me to quote the post for you? Halo 2 does not come clsoe to far cry in any way shape or form graphically. Not Sp, not MP.
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