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All highly anticipated video games get pirated. It's no surprise.
Whether DRM was implemented or not, I doubt it would have had any impact on piracy rates.
Myself and most others are against pirating, but what EA did with spore is completely unacceptable. I hope they realize that it hurt them more than helped them and that they learned their lesson.
I actually didn't even bother to buy spore or pirate it (i dont pirate), but it is likely that i would have picked it up sooner or later but thanks to the DRM i will pass this game up.
They should of learned from Oblivion(Doesnt have any piracy protection), the game will sell well if its a good game.
Dont annoy us users with your stupid protection DRM CRAP, which doesnt even work. Jesus.
EA will eventually figure it out, and tone down the DRM. How long that will take is anyone's guess.
I think it's reasonable to use the traditional copy protection, where weak sectors are burned to the CD. The whole point of that is to prevent casual copying. 14 year olds who can burn a cd, but don't know much about computers, will be stopped from pirating the game. If they are trying to stop all pirates, making it hard on paying customers, and failing to stop all piraters, then I have a huge problem with it.
We Must do against Piracy Cuz Every Day With Piracy Makes PC Games Go Down So these Companies must work day and night todo somthing Maybe Blu-Ray Disc Is The Answer MAybe
Im sad cuz i buy the game for 50$ And others go and download the games they doesn't know that effect there faveroite games Imagine PC Games When There is no piracy
Help Us GOD to Clear and destory Piracy
I feel like a total tool for asking but...what does DRM stand for?Darkspur
Digital Rights Management.
[QUOTE="Deihmos"]Are people saying if there was no DRM there would be less piracy? That would give more reason to pirate.Qwark161
No, a lot of people who would have actually paid for the game are pirating because of the DRM.
I can't believe people actually believe that. The majority that pirate games do it to avoid paying. They don't care about DRM.
Cut EA a little slack. They have enough respect for us to tell us about the activation requirements before hand.
The guys behind Two Worlds could even be bothered to put in on the box. Valve decided their hard core fans were the only one worthy of being told about being forced to use steam and the activation and download requirement that came with it.
Take a step back and try and take in the big picture. What EA is doing is lame but its not as bad as what others have done.
[QUOTE="Qwark161"][QUOTE="Deihmos"]Are people saying if there was no DRM there would be less piracy? That would give more reason to pirate.Deihmos
No, a lot of people who would have actually paid for the game are pirating because of the DRM.
I can't believe people actually believe that. The majority that pirate games do it to avoid paying. They don't care about DRM.
You miss the point, most pirates would have pirated it anyways yes.. what i am saying is a lot of people that would have bought the game legally might have pirated it to avoid the DRM.
Cut EA a little slack. They have enough respect for us to tell us about the activation requirements before hand.
The guys behind Two Worlds could even be bothered to put in on the box. Valve decided their hard core fans were the only one worthy of being told about being forced to use steam and the activation and download requirement that came with it.
Take a step back and try and take in the big picture. What EA is doing is lame but its not as bad as what others have done.
You mean besides Valve putting it right on the side of the box? Among other places
What DRM does this game contain to complain about? I just read some info and I don't see anything to complain about. At least you don't need the cd to play which I find annoying. Deihmos
Spore DRM limits the amount of accounts per box to one. This is contrary to the box, and instruction manual.
Spore DRM also limits the number of installs to THREE per box. After those three, EA assumes you are pirating their product and deactivates it. You must then contact EA customer service (a task in itself) and explain why you need more installs. This process can take anywhere from 3 days to two weeks, and they may not reactivate your product if you don't provide a good enough explanation
Now, keep in mind, Spore's DRM was cracked days before the game even launched so it was a failed attempt at curbing piracy from the start. Also note that pirates enjoy a superior product that is not limited by the DRM. So who is this DRM punishing? Thats the real issue here.
You pay cash to rent a game and get treated as a pirate, or you just pirate the game and get a superior product.
I'll be honest. I planned on buying Spore like plenty of other people. But when I look at the facts before me, i'd be an idiot to pay for it. Between my home and my dorm I have 3 machines so there goes all my installs right there. If I get a new machine, which I do pretty often, I need to beg EA for another install? Screw that. If they want to treat me like a pirate, then I will just pirate.
Believe me when I say that I had every intention of buying spore. I even bought the creature creator from D2D so I could get a discount on the full game. But I will not be paying for a gimped product when pirates get a superior version for free.
I refuse.
[QUOTE="Deihmos"]What DRM does this game contain to complain about? I just read some info and I don't see anything to complain about. At least you don't need the cd to play which I find annoying. TeamR
Spore DRM limits the amount of accounts per box to one. This is contrary to the box, and instruction manual.
Spore DRM also limits the number of installs to THREE per box. After those three, EA assumes you are pirating their product and deactivates it. You must then contact EA customer service (a task in itself) and explain why you need more installs. This process can take anywhere from 3 days to two weeks, and they may not reactivate your product if you don't provide a good enough explanation
Now, keep in mind, Spore's DRM was cracked days before the game even launched so it was a failed attempt at curbing piracy from the start. Also note that pirates enjoy a superior product that is not limited by the DRM. So who is this DRM punishing? Thats the real issue here.
You pay cash to rent a game and get treated as a pirate, or you just pirate the game and get a superior product.
I'll be honest. I planned on buying Spore like plenty of other people. But when I look at the facts before me, i'd be an idiot to pay for it. Between my home and my dorm I have 3 machines so there goes all my installs right there. If I get a new machine, which I do pretty often, I need to beg EA for another install? Screw that. If they want to treat me like a pirate, then I will just pirate.
Believe me when I say that I had every intention of buying spore. I even bought the creature creator from D2D so I could get a discount on the full game. But I will not be paying for a gimped product when pirates get a superior version for free.
I refuse.
I think a lot are confused by the 3 installs. You can install the game as many times as you like on up to three PCs. Of course if you format your drive it will count as a new PC.
And what about people on dial up? A lot of people still have dial up which you have to pay per mintue for. Even though this is a offline game dial up impended gamers will not be able to play because they would be stacking up their bills. Does it have the same thing with Mass Effect were you have to actvate the game every week or you lose it?Nerkcon
Pay per minute dial up? You can play offline and it's a one time activation.
I think a lot are confused by the 3 installs. You can install the game any amount of times on up to three PCs. Of course if you format your drive it will count as a new PC.
some may be, but even so it's totally ridiculous. i have a desktop and a laptop. so that would be two installs already. i'm about to upgrade my pc; it just so happens that this product came out around the time i needed to upgrade my pc. i'm getting a new cpu and motherboard, which will most likely trigger another install. that's three installs used up. if i happen to want or need to reformat my hard drive, i'm screwed. the 3 install limit is simply ridiculous and one of the main reasons i'm not getting this product.
of course, i'll probably still get mirror's edge (like i did mass effect), even if it has the same copy-protection, especially if it gets stellar reviews, because that game sounds too cool not to get it. hopefully, ea will have learned not to be such jerks and stop doing this, but i somehow doubt it. :(
[QUOTE="Deihmos"]I think a lot are confused by the 3 installs. You can install the game any amount of times on up to three PCs. Of course if you format your drive it will count as a new PC.
some may be, but even so it's totally ridiculous. i have a desktop and a laptop. so that would be two installs already. i'm about to upgrade my pc; it just so happens that this product came out around the time i needed to upgrade my pc. i'm getting a new cpu and motherboard, which will most likely trigger another install. that's three installs used up. if i happen to want or need to reformat my hard drive, i'm screwed. the 3 install limit is simply ridiculous and one of the main reasons i'm not getting this product.
of course, i'll probably still get mirrors' edge (like i did mass effect), even if it has the same copy-protection, especially if it gets stellar reviews, because that game sounds too cool not to get it. hopefully, ea will have learned not to be such jerks and stop doing this, but i somehow doubt it. :(
It does suck for some people. it wouldn't work for me either but I never found this game interesting.
I bought the Game (Support for the Devs / Key) and I Pirated as well (Admittedly :cry: ) But My reason is because I Format my Pc about One maybe two times a month Because I have this thing about Hidden Build ups on my Computer because I'm not the only one that uses it.
So them Three installs Just don't work for me, I want to play a game I bought right? But I in no way Try to Support Piracy or Try to Pirate myself but with stuff like this Not much I can do and I'm not gonna call EA just to tell them Why I need or what I do just for another key.
I bought the Game (Support for the Devs / Key) and I Pirated as well (Admittedly :cry: ) But My reason is because I Format my Pc about One maybe two times a month Because I have this thing about Hidden Build ups on my Computer because I'm not the only one that uses it.
So them Three installs Just don't work for me, I want to play a game I bought right? But I in no way Try to Support Piracy or Try to Pirate myself but with stuff like this Not much I can do and I'm not gonna call EA just to tell them Why I need or what I do just for another key.
i totally understand why you pirated the game, BUT i still find this distasteful. if you're going to get the pirated version, then i think you should at least purchase the game as well. what you did is still stealing, no matter what your reasons for stealing may be. the better solution is simply not to buy the game.
p.s. sorry, dude, i didn't see the first part. :P you bought the game, so i have no problems with what you did, personally. :)
i totally understand why you pirated the game, BUT i still find this distasteful. if you're going to get the pirated version, then i think you should at least purchase the game as well. what you did is still stealing, no matter what your reasons for stealing may be. the better solution is simply not to buy the game.
p.s. sorry, dude, i didn't see the first part. :P you bought the game, so i have no problems with what you did, personally. :)
Lol, No Worries:P
But yea I bought the Game First and Have it on My Desktop and Laptop I wish people would use just one Computer but 5 people and two Computers People just don't Learn to use just one that's asking for to much.:P so Asking for a Key almost every Month sorry just not gonna happen so I dont support this DRM stuff.
[QUOTE="Qwark161"][QUOTE="Deihmos"]Are people saying if there was no DRM there would be less piracy? That would give more reason to pirate.Deihmos
No, a lot of people who would have actually paid for the game are pirating because of the DRM.
I can't believe people actually believe that. The majority that pirate games do it to avoid paying. They don't care about DRM.
........ Alot of people do that specifically because of the rediculous DRM.. And that being said what more reason is there to pirate a game with out DRM? THey don't work and are easilly cracked with in the first week.
We laugh, but 500,000 is a ridiculously large number for a single game. Crysis, for example, was a fine game and had nothing wrong with it, but almost 500,000 downloads. Imagine how many more & better quality PC games we'd be getting if piracy was nonexistent and devs didn't lose a decent-sized percentage of their sales to piracy. It's hard to deny that game quality has been going down the drain lately with most devs having to merge into the big publishers (EA) to keep in business.F1_2004
Except Crytek claimed that some where around 10 million copies were pirated, not 500k.. AM I the only one who notices this>?
We laugh, but 500,000 is a ridiculously large number for a single game. Crysis, for example, was a fine game and had nothing wrong with it, but almost 500,000 downloads. Imagine how many more & better quality PC games we'd be getting if piracy was nonexistent and devs didn't lose a decent-sized percentage of their sales to piracy. It's hard to deny that game quality has been going down the drain lately with most devs having to merge into the big publishers (EA) to keep in business.F1_2004
To blame the decline of game quality on piracy is ill informed. Pirates in general download lots of games that they show any remote interest towards. Most of the games they downloaded, they never would've bought.The reason why PC games quality are going down so much is simply because new consoles are more powerful and more versatile then ever, and playing gears of war with your bros on your xbox360 is considered pimp and playing the same game on the pc by yourself makes you a nerd. For most of the game consuming population, consoles are just becoming more and more of an attractive position. It's not really about piracy and the companies way overexaggerate the effect that piracy has on their sales.
[QUOTE="F1_2004"]We laugh, but 500,000 is a ridiculously large number for a single game. Crysis, for example, was a fine game and had nothing wrong with it, but almost 500,000 downloads. Imagine how many more & better quality PC games we'd be getting if piracy was nonexistent and devs didn't lose a decent-sized percentage of their sales to piracy. It's hard to deny that game quality has been going down the drain lately with most devs having to merge into the big publishers (EA) to keep in business.blueblast2003
To blame the decline of game quality on piracy is ill informed. Pirates in general download lots of games that they show any remote interest towards. Most of the games they downloaded, they never would've bought.The reason why PC games quality are going down so much is simply because new consoles are more powerful and more versatile then ever, and playing gears of war with your bros on your xbox360 is considered pimp and playing the same game on the pc by yourself makes you a nerd. For most of the game consuming population, consoles are just becoming more and more of an attractive position. It's not really about piracy and the companies way overexaggerate the effect that piracy has on their sales.
Failing to look at the bigger picture is being ignorant. Piracy isn't solely to blame (and nowhere did I say it was), but it is definitely a factor that you can't ignore. There's a long list of developers who've made quality single player games and have gone out of business, very possibly in part due to piracy.
Also, don't presume to know the behavior of pirates - if console gamers show us anything, it's that when you get hooked on games, you get hooked hard. Console piracy is far lower than PC game piracy, yet console players still buy tons and tons of games. If you take away piracy, people will probably reduce the number of games they play, but even if they cut it to half (doubtful), that's hundreds of thousands of new PC game sales, and the corporate guys in the three-piece suits wouldn't cite piracy as reason for not investing in PC gaming.
Also, I don't see what Gears of War has to do with it, it's a braindead shooter that's not even in the same market as the better RTS/RPG/Adventure PC games that we used to see so much of.
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