yes weapons are more effective... weve been over this 6 times so far the last few days, on this site ^^ If you go ahead and buy the more expencive ammo for the guns they are even more effective.
Id say it is like SOC, but shotguns and handguns are more damaging overall (my decked out USP compact pretty much kills anything in a few bullets, or 1 headdie, mind you the price for the bullets are about 15000 for its high end ammo, so I usually go for the cheaper 45. cal ammo, which is a bit less effective).
The guns are still more realistic acting then most other fps games tho, so be warned ;) ljsut like in the real world full auto is a one way ticked to the sarges bad side.
Bulletdrop, and what type of barrel you use for the guns also have alot to say (you can pretty much make a gun that is a slow fireing mofo precise and very little bulletdrop, or go another route, and a high rof, for close quarters (like a upped ak, with a 40 bullet mag, great for indoors, but it would be worthless at even medium distances). A great new edition is different kinds of scopes aswell ^^ I have a Modified Thunder Rifle, that runs on normal ak bullets, and a scope with target recognision computer (it makes you aware of any living thing in sight, when using the scope), and a Sig 550, with a low light scope, for dark areas (not quite a nightvision scope, since they are useless in daylight),it does a decent job in the dark, and ok in light^^
As for the OP, you really dont have to talk to everyone in the game ;) you will quickly find out how to identify personnel with missions for you (does help that they are often located at "hubs" where traders repairmen and such are aswell... Not much use talking to people out in the wild, since they rarely know anything of inttrest.
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