[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="mrbojangles25"] I dont understand the problem. The way I see it, Bioware will go about it this way:
They will make a KOTOR game with the depth of like ten KOTOR games.
1. You have no idea what your talking about.. A MMORPG is not a single player rpg with 10 times the depth.. A mmo cuts out numerous things such as deep story, narrative, and dynamic dialogue systems with consquences.. For size, interaction, action and team work.. They are not the same thing.. To me this is like saying WoW is really Warcraft 4.. Just no.
Write a netcode for it
And let people logon.
Simple. You want NPC interaction, story, and stuff, you got it. Its just online now.
2. You have no clue what your talking about.. Every one will agree that WoW is not like Baldur's Gate 2.. They are completely two different types of game.. You don't have intereaction like you do in WoW like you did in Baldur's Gate 2..
Why is that concept so hard to grasp?
3. Perhapes because you are completely wrong and seem to know little of how vastly different they are.
First, no need to get testy. I do indeed have a good idea what I have been talking about; I have been PC gaming for about 17 years now; while I am no expert, I definately know a thing or two :) Wit hthat said, let me counter the points above:
1. Really? World of Warcraft actually has a really deep story to it. No, there are no voiceovers (that would require a good hundred gigabytes I am sure), but there are thousands of pages of text in the game to read that give you story, history, and a great experience.
WoW, and other MMOs (namely LOTRO), feature familiar places to anyone versed in the lore of the respective franchise. Star Wars has a huge depth to it, so I see no reason why the lore should not be even better than current, high-quality MMOs.
The problem arises not with the game, but with the player. They turn on instant-quest text, click accept, and go searching for that yellow question mark or that elusive mob after reading thottbot. What they dont realize is they just missed out on two pages of backstory.
2. Of course WoW is not like BG2. Did I say that? But we are already starting to see multiple conversation paths in MMOs; just look at Age of Conan. What I did say (or what I meant), however, is that it could be done with a great developer behind it, such as Bioware.
3. How can I be wrong about a concept that has not been proven yet? ANd yes, I know they are different, please dont put words in my mouth...next you will accuse me of saying Freelancer is the same as X3 :P
In conclusion, the intent of my post is to have faith, or at least a positive outlook on the future. You dont like the idea of MMOs, fine...I can relate; I remember the day I bought my first MMO (WoW). I felt ashamed, and when I got home I actually put it in my backpack so my roommates didnt see the box as I snuck into my room. And I remember when I took the plunge to enter my credit card info for the subscription *shiver*. But I am an MMO fan now, and when faced with the quality and length the games provide, I find them a cheaper alternative than my prior one-game-a-month habit. MMOs allow me to play online with friends, and they allow me to bide my time for that one excellent game that comes out every couple months or so, as opposed to settling for a mediocre game.
But I digress; the point I am trying to make is that just because an MMO with multiple dialogue paths, thorough NPC interaction, and an excellent story has not been made yet, it does not mean it can't be made.
So, have a little faith PC Gamer Brother o' mine...it might just be that this is the first MMO that could appeal to everyone but the most ignorant and anti-subscription folks out there.
At worst, well, we still get Dragon Age :D
I am a vet and a fan of MMORPG's that is not the problem.. The problem is there is just TOO DAMN MANY, and now Bioware is turning one of their best series KOTOR, to a MMO.. I guess you guys just can't realize this.. And no WoW may have good lore, and backstory, it has hardly any narrative, and it shouldn't be hard to comprehend the differences between a MMO and a singleplayer rpg. I played WoW fervently for quite a while, I played EQ2 for alogn time, same goes with original EQ, and other MMOs.. THE POINT BEING IS TOO MANY ARE BEING RELEASED.. And they are the EXACT same experience, I don't have a PROBLEM with this except that single player rpgs are becoming a rarity..
If we were to call this KOTOR3, it would be KOTOR3 by name only.. See what I mean? This can be seen as the exact same complaints of Fallout 3.. It is Fallout 3 by NAME only, it hold no similarities to the others..
now why couldnt you just say that the first time instead of saying, in so many words, that I was an idiot?
Dont get me wrong, if there is a genre to hate on it would be the MMO genre. But for the 70% of t he crap ones out there, there are about 30% good ones.
Lords of the Rings Online
Everquest 1 and 2
World of Warcraft
EVE Online
Auto Assault, arguably the most underrated MMO of all time imo
That Superhero One
I agree that there are too many, but it is a trend and to be honest it seems to be tapering off. About a year ago everyone was making an MMO; now it seems the industry is less ambitious and developers that would otherwise make a bad MMO know their place. Are there still crappy ones to be made? of course, and we will always have to endure the F2P crap and stuff, but I think its more streamlined now.
So long as Bioware does not try to be the next WoW, and makes quality games like they always do, I think it will be a good game.
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