I think they will release it after july i saw it. soo any1 gona get it? i think its gona be awesome!! i cant wait :D
what about you guyz?
This is their site if you wanna take a look :)
EDIT: which side u gona be on?
im gona be on the darkside! u?
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yes without a doubt. However it will pretty much just be WoW in the star wars universe
People like me wishing for a pre-cu SWG 2.0 are going to be quite disappointed
I might at some point down the line, but I'm taking a long break from MMOs. I played an MMO or another for almost 10 years and am pretty tired of the monthly fees. In that time I missed most of the major non-MMO releases. Right now I am slowly going back through the years and playing all the big hits. I really think Bioware should have done KotOR 3 instead though. KotOR 2 left a bad legacy on the series being buggy and unfinished. It would have been nice to play a new polished KotOR rather than another game with monthly fees.
I never understood the desire to buy and play an MMO on day one. It's always a disaster; to many people logging on causing immense amounts of lag and registering issues, server issues and bugs galore, slow response from devs and GM's because they're swamped, and the game always feels incomplete. I need a minimum of 6 months post launch before even considering joining an MMO after giving a launch a couple of tries. MadCat46well you are right every single word but they can fix it and they do
I never understood the desire to buy and play an MMO on day one. It's always a disaster; to many people logging on causing immense amounts of lag and registering issues, server issues and bugs galore, slow response from devs and GM's because they're swamped, and the game always feels incomplete. I need a minimum of 6 months post launch before even considering joining an MMO after giving a launch a couple of tries. MadCat46This is true... but AION must have been the exception. I bought it day one and played it for the free month and never encountered any issues.
I might at some point down the line, but I'm taking a long break from MMOs. I played an MMO or another for almost 10 years and am pretty tired of the monthly fees. In that time I missed most of the major non-MMO releases. Right now I am slowly going back through the years and playing all the big hits. I really think Bioware should have done KotOR 3 instead though. KotOR 2 left a bad legacy on the series being buggy and unfinished. It would have been nice to play a new polished KotOR rather than another game with monthly fees.
That was my problem with WoW....loved the game but missed out on great SP titles....
Aye day one purchase for myself..Dont understand where this wow comparison is coming from..Its nothing like wow..They have space battles wow doesnt..Classes are different..Every mmorpg..Has the tank class the healer, dps this case bounty hunter so on..If this is the case you can say wow is like everquest..That was the genre that started it all really..Its amazing how many people say every mmorpg is like wow..
Own like 5 lite sabers myself..Own Lukes saber, have the double bladed one, yodas saber, mase winduws, vaders..Im still collecting them..There expansive like a 100 dollars each..There is still a few ive got to get..There all amazing love the double bladed one..
You have way too many lightsabers.....send me one :)Aye day one purchase for myself..Dont understand where this wow comparison is coming from..Its nothing like wow..They have space battles wow doesnt..Classes are different..Every mmorpg..Has the tank class the healer, dps this case bounty hunter so on..If this is the case you can say wow is like everquest..That was the genre that started it all really..Its amazing how many people say every mmorpg is like wow..
Own like 5 lite sabers myself..Own Lukes saber, have the double bladed one, yodas saber, mase winduws, vaders..Im still collecting them..There expansive like a 100 dollars each..There is still a few ive got to get..There all amazing love the double bladed one..
[QUOTE="i5750at4Ghz"][QUOTE="mikolig"]WoW is the worst thing that has happened to me... im sure im not the only 1mikoligPlay less. already quited it like 2 months ago :) cant wait STARWARS COMOOON :D btw which side u guyz gona be on? Sith, really wanna be a bounty hunter.
Hell ya I'm getting it op. and I will be playing as a Jedi Sentinel dual lightsabers man! =DHekynnTalking about that, I've always loved Dual-Lights.... are they just exclusive to one class or can any class get them?
Sith Inquisitor is my first playthrough. I'm very excited for SWTOR, I have 6 other friends waiting for an release date. BioWare is really teasing the fans with new trailers and gameplay footage. I've never played WoW in my life and I'm proud of that. I've recently began to take interest in the MMO genre now that im more of a PC gamer.
i dont have friends who live next to me that are much of a gamer like me but i have other friends online !!! that want this game to come out.. soo comon already!!!!!Sith Inquisitor is my first playthrough. I'm very excited for SWTOR, I have 6 other friends waiting for an release date. BioWare is really teasing the fans with new trailers and gameplay footage. I've never played WoW in my life and I'm proud of that. I've recently began to take interest in the MMO genre now that im more of a PC gamer.
edit my bro and me gona play this game other friend that live with me nope...
[QUOTE="i5750at4Ghz"][QUOTE="mikolig"]WoW is the worst thing that has happened to me... im sure im not the only 1mikoligPlay less. already quited it like 2 months ago :) cant wait STARWARS COMOOON :D btw which side u guyz gona be on? Yeah I quit WoW as well back in feb. Mostly because my guild couldn't do the current content and I'm not gonna do six month content. I can't really comment on if was to hard or not since we didn't get past the first trash pack in black wing descent. Something tells me we just didn't have the gear and Patience to do it. I'm not sure about TOR to be honest. I saw one of there raid trailers and looked alot like WoW but at least that won't be the only thing to do at end game. lately I've been having more fun with free to play mmos like champions online and single player games like ninja gaiden. I do admit I'm really looking forward to guild wars 2 since there will be no monthly sub fee. I like no sub fees makes me feel I don't have to play all the time to get my moneys worth. I suppose one could agure that 15$ month isn't a lot which it isn't but Its 15$ I can put to other things like buying old games that I never got a chance to play.
I will be getting the inevitable trial for sure. However I will not buy the game before that. If I like the trial enough to warrant the price, I will buy the game.
I am not expecting a lot from it however.
Sith.... I always played the good guy on both KOTOR1+2....so time to be EVIL !!!FelipeInside
You can be dark side even though you are republic, at the same time you can be light side even though you are empire. When I get the trial I will be empire as well, and I will hopefully stay grey. I will be a Bounty Hunter.
Hell yes. Star wars and its awesome. I played in the beta november 2010 and enjoyed it and those were the classes I didn't care about. I can't wait :D.gunmaster55555Tell us about it... (if ur allowed)
Probably not.
I'dlike like Rift to thrive but my reason to play MMOs is entirely to keep in contact with people who have become good friends, even if they're just voices most of them time.
So I'll probably return to my crappy WoW guild and keep being frustrated amd bitter, rather than playing Rift, or better yet; Stop playing MMOs and meet women instead.
I think even IGN admitted that from what they played - this was a complete WoW clone. Tip: You can make an MMORPG without copying Everquest/WoW.Aye day one purchase for myself..Dont understand where this wow comparison is coming from..Its nothing like wow..They have space battles wow doesnt..Classes are different..Every mmorpg..Has the tank class the healer, dps this case bounty hunter so on..If this is the case you can say wow is like everquest..That was the genre that started it all really..Its amazing how many people say every mmorpg is like wow..
Own like 5 lite sabers myself..Own Lukes saber, have the double bladed one, yodas saber, mase winduws, vaders..Im still collecting them..There expansive like a 100 dollars each..There is still a few ive got to get..There all amazing love the double bladed one..
[QUOTE="gunmaster55555"]Hell yes. Star wars and its awesome. I played in the beta november 2010 and enjoyed it and those were the classes I didn't care about. I can't wait :D.FelipeInsideTell us about it... (if ur allowed) well not allowed but i mean it was pretty buggy at the time but I have heard from friends who have played in the beta that it has gotten a lot better in that department. I mean I had a blast playing it. Liked the talking and having the choice as a bounty hunter to either kill the guy as the hutt wanted or to bring a head from a dead body and make it look like I killed him due to the species looking the same. I liked the quests and choice dialog was awesome. Combat was fine not amazing not innovative but not terrible. That was as the bounty hunter, the class I don't really care for :D
I never understood the desire to buy and play an MMO on day one. It's always a disaster; to many people logging on causing immense amounts of lag and registering issues, server issues and bugs galore, slow response from devs and GM's because they're swamped, and the game always feels incomplete. I need a minimum of 6 months post launch before even considering joining an MMO after giving a launch a couple of tries. MadCat46
I love starting a MMO cause the entire playerbase is at the same level, no one knows what is going on. I joined Rift within minutes of launch and that was a very smooth start, so not every MMO is a complete disaster.
I plan on get SWOR, but probably looking more forward to GW2. My gf on the other hand cant wait for SW
[QUOTE="MadCat46"]I never understood the desire to buy and play an MMO on day one. It's always a disaster; to many people logging on causing immense amounts of lag and registering issues, server issues and bugs galore, slow response from devs and GM's because they're swamped, and the game always feels incomplete. I need a minimum of 6 months post launch before even considering joining an MMO after giving a launch a couple of tries. IxX3xil3d0n3XxI
I love starting a MMO cause the entire playerbase is at the same level, no one knows what is going on. I joined Rift within minutes of launch and that was a very smooth start, so not every MMO is a complete disaster.
I plan on get SWOR, but probably looking more forward to GW2. My gf on the other hand cant wait for SW
Yeah I got LOTRO on day 1 as well and when i started playing i didn't have any server problems. Actually I was very impressed with how smooth the LOTRO launch was and just everything with that game ^^.Cause of the graphics maybe...ok well i see most of you guyz wanna play it :D but its not EXACTLY THE SAME as WoW ...... why would IGN even say that lol
[QUOTE="mikolig"]Cause of the graphics maybe... well the graphics at first was like wow but then they made it MUCH better thats why they extended the release date...ok well i see most of you guyz wanna play it :D but its not EXACTLY THE SAME as WoW ...... why would IGN even say that lol
Most likely, have to see. apparently Australians/NZ are getting it 1 year after the US/UK/Europe get it. Might not be true but it was on the SWTOR forums a few days ago.
Sith Inquisitor, Healer. Hoping it'll be as fun as running a Shaman. Im sure it will be.
I hate healers but i like sith inquisitor it looks great :) im rolling sith warrior marauder
btw this shows u the advanced character section with talents and everything
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That's what I'm geting :S
I hate healers but i like sith inquisitor it looks great :) im rolling sith warrior marauder
btw this shows u the advanced character section with talents and everything
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That's what I'm geting :S
oh yea u gota log in:P if u dont have an account make 1 its so easy and fast :)Please Log In to post.
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