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so? Well, I obviously dislike paying just to be able to keep playing a game that I've bought. Did you want me to explain why or..? well i understand you but the game is so freaking awesome!!! :Pits not boring at all man just play the trial first[QUOTE="mikolig"][QUOTE="Litchie"]
it costs money to play. **** that.
I'm definitely going to get this and probably get a Darkside Jedi. I'm hoping it lives up to the hype but so far it seems like it will!
Waiting a few months after launch before I purchase to let them iron out the inevitable bugs and to allow for the price to drop a bit.
The game isn't gonna hold me for long I already know that but I still want to try it out like I do to most mmorpgs.
Most likely, have to see. apparently Australians/NZ are getting it 1 year after the US/UK/Europe get it. Might not be true but it was on the SWTOR forums a few days ago.
Sith Inquisitor, Healer. Hoping it'll be as fun as running a Shaman. Im sure it will be.
That CAN"T be true... (fingers crossed). I read somewhere else that it was a worldwide release.
Most likely, have to see. apparently Australians/NZ are getting it 1 year after the US/UK/Europe get it. Might not be true but it was on the SWTOR forums a few days ago.
Sith Inquisitor, Healer. Hoping it'll be as fun as running a Shaman. Im sure it will be.
That CAN"T be true... (fingers crossed). I read somewhere else that it was a worldwide release.
if its true its gona be a bummer for those who live in australia and nz....Yes, but mainly due to being a Star Wars geek, but overall I think it will be a good to great game, but I don't think it will change the MMO landscape like most people think it will.I think they will release it after july i saw it. soo any1 gona get it? i think its gona be awesome!! i cant wait :D
what about you guyz?
This is their site if you wanna take a look :)
EDIT: which side u gona be on?
im gona be on the darkside! u?
[QUOTE="mikolig"]Yes, but mainly due to being a Star Wars geek, but overall I think it will be a good to great game, but I don't think it will change the MMO landscape like most people think it will. so which side are you gona be?I think they will release it after july i saw it. soo any1 gona get it? i think its gona be awesome!! i cant wait :D
what about you guyz?
This is their site if you wanna take a look :)
EDIT: which side u gona be on?
im gona be on the darkside! u?
Is it a high quality single player game?
Then the answer is yes
Is it another MMO?
Then the answer is no
"Star Wars:The Old Republic you getting it?"Is it a high quality single player game?
Then the answer is yes
Is it another MMO?
Then the answer is no
The levelling portion of a game looks to be very much like a single player game, with a plot to follow, bioware characters, choices, AI controlled party members, no corpse run, ect.
After playing the beta, my doubts were lifted. I will definitely be buying and subscribing.Artekus
I have been hearing nothing but positive things about the beta so far. I know several doubters who changed their minds thanks to the it. I will certainly stop talking flak of the game... for now.
What is your favorite released themepark mmo (mmos following the Everquest trend) right now and how would SWTOR compare to it?
I might get it depending on what people say. The key for an MMO is to wait a couple of months and see how the game is doing, because in the beginning there will always be a rush of new players, whether it's for the Star Wars setting, BioWare game, or just a new MMO coming out. The most important part is to see how the game does after, when the "new game" feeling wears off. Are people still playing? Is new content being produced regularly? Is it grindy? Is there end game content? Etc.
[QUOTE="Artekus"]After playing the beta, my doubts were lifted. I will definitely be buying and subscribing.Maroxad
I have been hearing nothing but positive things about the beta so far. I know several doubters who changed their minds thanks to the it. I will certainly stop talking flak of the game... for now.
What is your favorite released themepark mmo (mmos following the Everquest trend) right now and how would SWTOR compare to it?
Well this is good news, I was certainly interested in the game.. So is my GF...
I just helped my Sister get a laptop that has a phenom II 2.2 quad, and an Radeon HD6650 gpu, with 4 gigs of ram...
I think she will be interested in this game too!
I am glad, finally I can Game with her again with some games, TOR would be fantastic if it were good enough for all 3 of us to play together!!!!
[QUOTE="Artekus"]After playing the beta, my doubts were lifted. I will definitely be buying and subscribing.mikoligHow can i play beta? can u tell me ive spent like 2 days searching how to play beta and ur news made me happy :D Sign in and hope for the best (on the official website), I did that when the beta was first announced on 4 accounts, no luck and I doubt I'll get in at this point.
[QUOTE="mikolig"][QUOTE="Artekus"]After playing the beta, my doubts were lifted. I will definitely be buying and subscribing.DanielDustHow can i play beta? can u tell me ive spent like 2 days searching how to play beta and ur news made me happy :D Sign in and hope for the best (on the official website), I did that when the beta was first announced on 4 accounts, no luck and I doubt I'll get in at this point. i did that hehe :P if i get approved how can i play it?:P will i have to download something or they will give me the thing?
I am indeed. Looks like it'll definitely be fun for a few hundred hours at least seeing as each class has 3 chapters, each the size of KotOR. I still can't see what they'll do for end game though, how will they manage all that voice work and new content every few months like WoW? Surely the game would need to maintain a much larger player base than 99% of MMO's to gain profit.
I will be getting SW:TOR for a few reasons:
1. I have been looking to get back into MMO's for a while now but every MMO that has come out has been somewhat lackluster or average.
2. I love sci-fi universes, although I'm not a HUGE Star Wars fan, I do enjoy me some Star Wars.
3. A have a few friends that will be getting the game. So we will be jumping on the same servers and leveling up with each other on day one.
4. Guild Wars 2's release date is so mysterious and unpredictable that I've lost my patience. I'll still buy it day one though, but I will be playing SW:TOR first.
Are you going to get it? Bah! a stupid question to be asking me if you knew me young Jedi *Looks into your eyes, with my dark aura moving around your body*
Haha, in all seriousness i am a HUGE fan of Starwars. I am so looking forward in being a badass Bounty Hunter.
It's good I see so many posts with people excited about Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes.... hopefully it won't just be all Jedi and Sith running around...Are you going to get it? Bah! a stupid question to be asking me if you knew me young Jedi *Looks into your eyes, with my dark aura moving around your body*
Haha, in all seriousness i am a HUGE fan of Starwars. I am so looking forward in being a badass Bounty Hunter.
No I'm I think I'm done right now as far as MMOs go. The only thing that peaks my interest about this game is that it's Star Wars, but then I look at the gameplay and it just puts me off because it's the same old BS we've seen before. Having played WoW on and off for almost 7 years and the fact that essentially every MMO these days is just a carbon copy with a different facade, I think I'll save my money on something more worthwhile.
No I'm I think I'm done right now as far as MMOs go. The only thing that peaks my interest about this game is that it's Star Wars, but then I look at the gameplay and it just puts me off because it's the same old BS we've seen before.Having played WoW on and off for almost 7 years and the fact that essentially every MMO these days is just a carbon copy with a different facade, I think I'll save my money on something more worthwhile.
You say it's BS but you have been playing WoW for 7 years...?
No I'm I think I'm done right now as far as MMOs go. The only thing that peaks my interest about this game is that it's Star Wars, but then I look at the gameplay and it just puts me off because it's the same old BS we've seen before.Having played WoW on and off for almost 7 years and the fact that essentially every MMO these days is just a carbon copy with a different facade, I think I'll save my money on something more worthwhile.
You say it's BS but you have been playing WoW for 7 years...?
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