Anyone else think that the Starcraft 2 ad they have on tv is extremely misleading and a terrible representation of the game? I was watching tv with a friend who plays games, but not too often, and he said "wow that game looks pretty cool". Then I asked him, do you know what star craft is? And he said "A shooter?".
They make the game look like some sort of epic action game and don't even give a hint at what the game really is.
EDIT: I am not saying anything bad about the game itself. I think it looks like its going to be great, but I am just talking about the commercial, which if you haven't seen, can be watched here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZsLUdsIZeo
It's called advertisement for a reason, to help push sales.
Granted, any well educated person of Blizzard games or the first StarCraft game knows what to expect from StarCraft 2. However, it's in Blizzard's interest to help drive sales of the game and to try and appeal to others out there that might not know what to expect and then those people just rush out to buy the game based solely on the commercial.
In no way is it Blizzard's fault for those that are fooled by the commercial when they find out the game is something totally different; it's the consumers fault for not taking it upon themselves to get educated on the product for sale (in this case; StarCraft 2).
It's happened to me and I'm sure it's happened to almost every other person out there; they see something good on TV (or wherever) for advertisement and they go out to buy that product, only to find out it's nothing like they saw or expected.
Agreed. While you could say it is misleading in terms of gameplay, this sells and will help with sales certainly for people who don't know of StarCraft and it'll get them curious. Oh and this always happens nothing new and not only from Blizzard.
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