yup you heard it right, scII will cost 120 - 150 USD + TAX
first game 40-50USD , 2nd game 40-50USD, 3rd game 40-50USD = anywhere from 120 to 150 that you will have to pay + tax
and if they make you pay for battlenet services, good game.
scII will be released at 3 separate times
terran campaign will be the first release
zerg campaign will be the first expansion (new units, maps, etc...)
protoss campaign will be the 2nd expansion (new units, maps, etc... )
-you will get everything you want to play with the first release
-a faster release date, less wait time, bring on sc2 baby!
-a more polished single player experience
-epic campaign for the first time
-with the 1st and 2nd expansion, you will be forced to buy it anyway, because it comes with new units, abilities, maps, etc... so you cant be just like "oh i'll jus buy the first game, since i only want the online experience'.
-gota pay for the extra expansion pack
-might have to pay for battlenet services ( still unknown), sc was hugely popular because the online was free
-people who could care less about the single player experience will pay alot more than they paid for regular starcraft + broodwar.
-not everyone will care or play the campaign, the online is where its at.
although they are denying milking the franchise, in a way it is...
it is effectively the first time they will ever do a 2nd expansion for an RTS game, gamers will have to pay for 3 games instead of 2.
and given the amount of money they made from wow subscriptions, i dont u/s why they cant hire more people to be on the sc2 team (well knowing how bland the arena gear in wow was for 4 seasons, i guess i shouldn't hope for anything better)
and being able to release two more expansions is GOOD, since they can polish up their single player campaign and make more money.. but again... blizzard is rich now and I'm pretty sure they could've hired a lot more people to finish the game on time with three campaigns
so conclusion: they are milking it to the max for the first time. I mean comon.... starcraft + brood war was released how long ago? 10 years+? 12???? dont tell me you didn't have enough time to flesh out the story, work on the graphics engine etc.. and make 90 campaigns. its just a new business model to take advantage of the popularity of the starcraft and also effectively giving it more life in the long run, in the end we will get a polished single player experience at a higher price with the fabulous online play.
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