Apparently, the game has been released all on one disc, which has caused lots of problems. I haven't had any problems with dual-layer media, extended DVD formats, or high compression installers before but THIS installation has been an utter nightmare. The sad part is that the only solution they offer on Blizzard forums is to download the game client. What if you want instant gratification (hence why you bought it at the store)? Are they saying that retail shoppers should screw off in favor of "cloud computing"? It really sends a bad message out. EPIC FAIL.
Honestly, I mainly got the game to join my clanmates. We used to play on Starcraft and it's always great fun. It was either this or Gaylo Reach and, believe it or not, I'm wishing I went with Gaylo right about now. ;o)
Anywho, you've been warned: installation errors with Starcraft 2 are running rampant! Everyone is giving different solutions too, like...
1. Download the game client.
2. Copy the files on a working PC and transfer to gaming rig using a crossover cable.
3. Update DVD drive firmware.
4. Enable Administrator account and install under it.
5. Punch your computer and hope it behaves.
6. Run Windows Update and patch your computer up.
7. Remove malware and drivers that may be causing a conflict.
8. Return the game and call it a loss.
...All of these options pretty much are full of suck, except for #4, which actually works for some. Good job, Scott.. Terrible job, Xev! Again, EPIC FAIL Blizzard. I'm really tired of their buggy games. Such great franchises in the hands of newb programmers! To think, they have this game at $60 price point too... Watch: in a couple of months, there will becountless patches and likely an expansion pack. Is it a "money racket"?? =oX
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