Whoops, I mean, Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa. The guy even insists on having his name in the title. Fine, you made this mess so I guess you can claim it.
I really looked forward to this game, being essentially the only Space-based, MMO hybrid, FPS/RPG on the market. Played WoW forever but severe burn-out will not have me playing that again till the Northrend x-pac at earliest. I bought this game on good faith, talked it up to get friends to join, started a clan, wanted to make some machinima movies, and planned on a website. Things are looking good and I got my character to lvl 36, guild has grown to 30 members, and lots of improvements and additions planned for the future. I even put in a good post on the Tabula section about my early impressions on the game.
Well, let me tell you why this is a scam. Im not criticizing the fact that the bottom drops off Tabula Rasa after level 15 and in the higher-end instances. Ignore the amount of batteries you will start piling up (if you play on a wireless mouse), because of the click-fest that makes up 90% of gameplay. I'm not talking about the bland colors and ho-hum landscapes that await you in every "new" zone. I can overlook all of that in hopes of a game improving, but let me tell you why this game isn't getting anymore of my money.
As we type and read right now, somewhere in Austin, Texas, Richard Garriott is making the final preparations for his space training in Russia. Come early January, Garriott will be flying to Russia, and undergoing extensive space training off and on till his launch planned in Oct. 2008. He paid $30 million and will be one of the first 500 humans ever in space. A once in a lifetime opportunity and we wish him well. But there is the small matter of a game you're expecting the public to pay $65 for the first 2 months to play.
If the game's creator is not even into his own game, how can he expect the general public to be into it as well? There are lots of glaring holes in Tabula Rasa, the feeling of half-baked in prevalent. These are very crucial months in a game's success and the creator himself will be 7000 miles away at a Russian spacebase trying to learn the local language while becoming an astronaut by Oct. I can't tell you who will win the Super Bowl, but I am 100% certain Richard Garriott's mindset is not on Tabula Rasa. Popping on-line to ref a duel or throwing a couple posts onto a website isn't enough for me. Tabula Rasa isn't that good. It's bad enough that there is no official forums. Instead of feeling secure that they are there for the paying customer by having boards, Tabula Rasa gives you the cold shoulder.
In the end, we were duped into believing that Richard Garriott was bringing something revolutionary to the table. And when we complain, there is no official site to discuss the issues and to Richard Garriott we will be but a speck on a giant blue ball. Im glad I was able to contribute to Garriott's first-class ticket to space, I'm glad I was able to spend $65 for 10 levels of enjoyment, but I'm most glad for canceling my account. I suggest you do the same or look elsewhere for your space and mmo fix. He took a hell of an opportunity to go to space, but at a hell of an inopportune time.
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