realism doesn't always mean fun
but the speed you crawl at just feel bad. It feels like the speed you should be going while crouching. I also hate the map. Why is it so small? It doesn't feel like Battlefield at all. Complete lack of teamwork and just like in BC2 rush, there are only a couple of ways to get to each objective which makes it easy for defense to camp those points.Because crawling too slow would piss more people off. Its a game after all.
Also we already knew the map was small and very linear before its launch. Don't act like you were conned into it or something. It was never supposed to be big. And yes rush is a BC game mode so of course it won't feel much like a true BF experience yet but for God's sake give it time. So many people are hating on it for one map and one game mode. Ask Mitu he will tell you that caspian border is far better
I agree. I'm not playing ARMA 2. I don't want to crawl all slow and ****. I think the speed is perfect.. I really hope DICE doesn't change it because people complain... Gawd knows a lot of bad moves have been made by developers because gamers rant so damn much. :P But to each their own. I'm not saying his opinion is right or wrong. We all have our preferences.
I know it's just a BETA but I'm disappointed with all the crashing, the game not liking my GPU overclocks that run perfectly fine with all of my other games. Matches locking up, disconnections, flickering, white flickering of the screen, screen-tearing, poor performance. In before someone says it's a BETA. Like I said, I know it's a BETA, everyone knows... but if you've played Bad Company 2 as much as I have, disconnection issues, lag, poor hitbox, was there since day one and until they put in that patch right before BF3 is about to come out... pretty stupid and I rarely say anything DICE does as being stupid. Overall, they're a good developer but their online is messy as hell. EA servers ftl.
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