While that is true in the early levels, as you said the OWPvP is mostly designed for later levels. And there are territory wars confirmed, some areas will be ruled by elected Vanarchs and others can be conquered by guilds who can fight each other for them. The Outlaw Declaration system is f*cking broken though indeed, and it makes OWPvP....simply PK. I don't know why they couldn't have used a more logical system, such as L2's PvP system.
The main reason OWPvP will be dead in Tera though, are cross-server Dungeon Finder tools and the best loot can only be found in those instances. No incentive to farm BAMs or world bosses, which means no fights over BAM or world boss control etc.
I think you misunderstand the "Territory Wars" aspect. With the political system you can become the ruler (Vanarch) of an area by being voted in OR by conquering people in Battle Grounds. There is no open world territory fights at all like in L2, it's just instanced battle grounds which you'll have to farm (and the BGs aren't even going to be released till late summer).
And yes I agree the dungeon finder is not good for OWPvP.
I had the game pre-ordered but ultimately decided it was to PvE centric for me, I'll wait for GW2 or maybe the Secret World. Tera is still a really fun PvE game, but people looking for a long term PvP fix will be let down IMO.
I thought Teritory Wars in Tera were going to be OW...what a pity, even more reason to skip it then. It was... passable as a PvP game before the LFG tool was announced... I also cancelled my preorder, thank god there's a new good L2 private to keep me occupied and give me my fix of politics and PvP. I'm gonna miss my Elin's thighs though, and taking pantyshots every possible chance.
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