I've picked up Modern Warfare 2 to play the single player these days. The feeling was of 'meh', it is a cool game and all but it feels exactlylike CoD 4; it has its virtues but the gameplay felt to me unatural.I played the game like the zombies would- all but reflexes created by some primitive part of the brain, no use of my cerebral cortex at all. What really made me dislike the game was the story, to me an abusive use of todays overly militaristic american culture, creating new Rambos heroeskilling fellow brazillian 'narcotraficantes' who likes to dress like Black Phanters for some reason while hearing some caribean song in the debrief. "It is a time for heroes, for legends"... pfff. I'm not saying it is a bad game, just a dumb one (concerning single-player).
So after playing MW2 for a while i've clicked twice on the Crysis icon... 10 minutes i'm addicted again! MW2 made me see the value of this game i like so much. While it also has it flaws (has the same story problems), it is a very inteligent game (gameplay wise)with an almos unlimited amount of possibilities, you can improvise, adapt. Fighting in the jungle is just a superb is experience. It is Special cos' it is a single differentgame in an ocean of dumb shooters (6 official CoDs and counting!). Not to mention the graphics, after playing MW2, Crysis looked so pretty i thought i had taken acidor something.
The point is, CoD did little to reinvent itself, while the 4 one surely was something new it is already banal now. So much of the same thing took the pleasure out of it, maybe if I play a lot of Crysis i'll end up doing the opposite thread...
To end the treath of likely 'blog it' reply; do you have something to thank MW2 for orcomplainaboutit? It would be nice to actually have a discussion about the games and the reviews of a website in it's forums. Who knows perhaps the forums end up doing their own review.
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